what the source of it is. i wonder if we have human intervention on the radar units. >> what do you mean? >> well, going back to the earliest part of this, humans didn't actually see what was on the radar the night of it. they had to go back later and figure out what they missed. we heard earlier the plane went up to 43,000, down to 20, back up to 35, made a smooth, left turn so it had to be on autopilot. i would like to know whose radar is this based on, whose analysis of the radar is it based on to know if it's really true or just another story we're hearing about what the plane might have done in the air. >> you want to weigh in? >> yeah. and when you're tracking a plane on primary radar without the tansponder, there is a margin of error. and the further the plane is away from the radar, the higher the margin of error. so we just don't know yet. >> we've been reporting and nic reported, there are four of these emergency locators.