nearly every year the production of oranges is falling. 140 million boxes this year. now, growers say that's not just because of citrus greening, but it's a primary reason. agriculture officials say there is a tipping point. if the number of boxes falls below 100 million, then the industry begins to become irrelevant. it's a trickledown, from the guys who produce the cartons to put the juice in to the harvester that picks the fruit. at the u.s. department of agriculture lab, researchers are looking into several possible solutions. including a spray-on antibiotic that would be absorbed by the tree, and then kill the bug. >> i admit, i lose sleep at night worrying about it. are we going to find the answer soon enough. >> reporter: so how is it such a small insect could destroy an industry? well, these bugs live less than two months. and during their life span, a single female cylid can lay 800