diagnosing disease, whether it be cancer or another disease. the problem is, it basically revolves around things like radioactive isotopes, these radioactive elements that spontaneously decay and emit radiation. those can be used to fight disease or treat sddisease. the problem with these isotopes is they're very short lived, so they have to go to great lengths to get them to the hospital to treat patients. they sometimes use jets because the isotopes are so short-lived. i had the idea, why conti develop a device that produces these isotopes on-site at the hospital? it was incredibly expensive and could potentially be wheeled into a hospital room. >> so he's now figured out a way to make the isotopes more portable. that's what he's working on. and that way they can have pet scans in remote parts of the world that they can't right now. he thinks if he can get these in locally in hospitals, that will be a better way to diagnose