just how hard this sanctioning is going to do in terms of getting to putin. he is not going to be affected. many of these oligarchs are willing to sit this one out while their money is safe, even being seized in the west. so it's going to be up to that crumbling russian economy and its people who are in so much pain to try to put some kind of pressure on a dictator who seems hell bent on keeping this war going. >> and who seems hell bent on not caring about the russian people in many ways. drew griffin, thank you very much. one of the top wnba players is being held in a russian jail. why they're already extending her time behind bars. stay with us. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key inindicators of brain performan. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. (vo) right now, the big switch is happening across the country. small businesses are fed up with big bills and 5g maps that are mostly gaps— d getting more 5g bars in more places. save over $1,000 when you switch to our ultimate siness plan...

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