none of them as effective as paxlovid. >> yesterday my cold wasn't as worse and today i'm feeling a lot better. >> reporter: clay was one of the lucky few getting both physical relief as well as mental relief from the drug. >> once you're sick and, you know, you feel the symptoms and you're kind of like, oh, my goodness, is this going to get worse? so that kind of -- the medication helped alleviate that stress and anxiety. >> reporter: jake, there was so much enthusiasm, understandably, around vaccines, but in order for them to actually have had the supply that they wanted, they made these at-risk investments months earlier and the vaccines had some of the trial data. those same sort of at-risk investments have not really been made in therapeutics. and i think it's why we're having the problem we're having now. we also don't have enough testing and masks. people thought it was going to be the vaccines that everyone