testing labs now forced to prioritize results just for the symptomatic. >> diagnostic testing is in shambles. and so when you add up all of that together, we've got a very serious situation facing our nation this month. >> this country is now averaging a stunning 700,000-plus new covid-19 infections every day. an all-time high and still rising. thousands of schools didn't open last week after winter break due to covid. >> there was a staff shortage that led to the closure. >> reporter: others closed to slow the spread elsewhere. strikes because teachers want more safety measures. >> i agree that the best learning happens in schools but i don't feel safe at work right now. >> reporter: one north carolina district now tell something high schoolers to ride city buses because they are out of drivers for the yellow ones. meantime, city bus services slashed and the likes of washington, d.c. and portland, oregon, cruises also being

Related Keywords

Wall ,Country ,Situation ,Nation ,Results ,Asymptomatic ,Diagnostic Testing ,Testing Labs ,Shambles ,Together ,Schools ,Infections ,Asymptomatic Covid ,Winter Break ,Staff Shortage ,Thigh ,Thousands ,700000 ,19 ,Reporter ,Teachers ,Learning ,Elsewhere ,Others ,Safety Measures ,Led ,Closure ,Strikes ,Spread ,North Carolina ,One ,Something ,Cruises ,City Buses ,Schoolers ,City Bus Services ,Drivers ,Ones ,District ,Portland ,Oregon ,Washington Dc ,

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