and how anti-vaxxers are once again ignorantly using his death to push their inaccurate agenda about the efficacy of the vaccine. >> when people ask me the question, what's the worst thing anti-vaccine activists can say? the worst is when they say what do you care what i do? you're vaccinated. look at colin powell. he is a man in his mid-80s. multiple myeloma, which is a cancer of your immune system. he was likely being treated with agents that suppress his immune system. he wasn't going to develop a very good immune response so he needed the people around him to protect. when they say what do you care if i'm vaccinated? if vaccines were 100% effective, which is true of no vaccine and that everyone can be vaccinated, which is not true of people like colin powell. >> now it's a real slam. dr. paul offitt, thank you. donald trump and the truth,