doors, he had to go to amend the testimony and when he showed up before the cameras for the public testimony, he was pretty forthcoming about the number of things he sudsly did not remember and he said he's not a note-taker and never been a note-taker and this is a political person hand-picked by the president for the job he's in. so there are a lot of things already problematic about gordon sondland. you have to look at the totality of the evidence in the hearings and aside of gordon sondland we've heard a remarkably consistent story from all of the other witnesses who have come forward. >> that is a excellent point. as we move forward, the president is now, we know, impeachment aside teasing a possible deal with the taliban. here is the thing though, it is a deal that only he seems to know about. >> we were getting close -- the united explorer card hooks me up. getting more for getting away. rewarded!