security. frankly, as a cia officer i worked my entire life to preserve the homeland from attack, so there's plenty of us who want to have that conversation. i just think that this way of doing it just kills a couple of long-standing principles that we want for our military of bipartisansh bipartisanship. >> so not to defend this move, but haven't democrat leaders in congress basically said to president trump we're not going to give you any money for your border wall no matter what? i mean, hasn't it been a nonstarter with speaker pelosi? >> so i think, you know, i think the wall -- i don't know that there's anyone, including the president who still walks about a wall from sea to shining sea. i think that most people think we're talking about security at the border, fencing, barriers, and i personally don't have a problem with those things. i don't think the speaker has a problem with real border security, but it has to be focused on the actual threats, and while i support doing more where we need it, most people right now are coming through the ports of entry. they're not sneaking over.