that's representative of who this man is. >> yeah. we have not had a pope from a religious order since the mid 19th century. this is unique in our era. and remember they are missionary order. they go beyond their comfort zone. they go beyond what's familiar. and that's what he wants the church to do. he doesn't want the church to be self-preferential. he wants it to go out. i love that image he uses of the church as a field hospital. the way in which he preaches through symbol recognizing symbol is often more powerful than any words he's going to say. so i think we're going to see a lot of his training and formation come alive in this visit as i think we already have. >> one of the things i read he'd said a while back is describing pastors as shepherds who in his words smell of the sheep, which i thought was really interesting way of putting it that sense of being out there where the people are. >> i'll never forget when he said that at st. peters it was really a mass where priests recognize their calling to priesthood.

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