john. >> amazing. suzanne malveaux, thank you so much. i want to bring? ambassador stewart eisenstat. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you very much for having me, john. >> jimmy carter is 90 years old. i found that news conference to be remarkable, arresting, even. i couldn't take my eyes off. to see this 90-year-old man to speak with such poise and grace, as he was at that point hours away from the first radiation treatment for cancer in his brain. i wonder if you were surprised or if this is just the jimmy carter you have come to know over the years. >> this is the jimmy carter i have come to know from the first days when he ran for governor, and then president, and then in the white house. he's a person who takes pressure with great grace. i watched the news conference with a mixture of obvious sadness at the condition, but with great pride in the way he's facing his challenge.