>> oh, no that's not a big issue for me. it's what he did with that handgun that matters. it's just a tragedy, and it's a horrible thing. i think we have a hard time as humans wrapping our brains around this. how does anybody shoot an innocent person. you used the world deranged a while ago. a normal person can't do this horror. >> all i mean by that is many communities have law toss prevent those who are clearly not mentally capable of possessing a gun from doing it. i would assume your community is one of those as well if he had been involuntary committed, there might have been a law that would have prevented him from getting a gun. >> i believe. of course i believe we follow state laws those are mostly laws imposed by the state. what we follow here is whatever the state has in place. >> there's obviously nothing that could ever explain why this man did this but are police any closer to figuring out what at least he thought, what his twisted motivation was?