how would you like to look out your passenger window and see that runway coming up? the cold extends throughout the midwest. check out this picture from nasa showing the ice forming over lake erie. it's like a giant rink. boston saw some of the worst of the storm, with anywhere from 10 to 18 inches of snow in parts and temperatures that could drop as low as six degrees by tonight. it's a town accustomed to the cold, of course, but the people there have to be pretty thankful that their patriots have this icy weekend off. margaret conley is standing by in boston. a lot of shovel work to be done there today. >> reporter: that's right, jake. there has been up to two feet of snow in parts of massachusetts. you can see all the way down the street, people are shoveling bit by bit, slowly, and it is also freezing cold. there's a wind chill factor, wind chill advisory until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. we are with katie and jared. what a pain this is to have to keep doing this all day