just say there is more coming out. >> this is the point i've been making all along. there is a range of republicans in the republican office who really has a problem with the way donald trump conducts business, and i believe you'll hear from them. you'll hear more statements. this is not the last republican who is going to say -- because they're going to go out after they vote and they have to defend this vote. very few are announcing beforehand. they're going to get up here in the next -- how many hours is it, 17 hours, 16 hours if they take the whole time? they're going to have to defend their vote and you're not going to hear many say this was a perfect call. you'll hear some say this was a sham, but you'll hear a lot of folks saying, i'm really concerned about what the president did, but. >> here's what's going to energize democrats. marco rubio gave a carefully crafted statement, more than most republicans did. he's going to vote against