relatable, that makes them laugh. you go, oh, that happened to me, too. >> remember as kid go on vacation, why is dad always in a bad mood? now i understand. >> no. no. >> is this grandma? >> yeah, she's still alive. >> why is the family a good place to look for humor? was that it? where else is it? >> maybe you should ask santa for a new family. >> i don't want a new family. i don't want any family. families suck. >> did you ever notice when you trip on something, when you're walking, and you go, what was that? well, that was your family. they've put their foot out and just don't get so ahead of yourself. >> anybody got mothers that would hit you with a shoe? i had a mother throw a shoe at you at the drop of a dime and [ bleep ] you up wherever she was aiming.