but johnny is kind of holding out. he was not necessarily of his time in the '80s. but he did sustain a certain timelessness. he's the king. on your chair. [ laughter ] whoa! hyah! he's all right. he's just playing. playing my [bleep] [ laughter ] my next guest not only has a college degree, but he also has a high-school degree. that's right, i do. as well, un-huh. yes. he's hosted "the tonight show" practically as often as johnny carson and now he has his very own show, weekday mornings at 10:00 on nbc. ladies and gentleman what you're witnessing here is a good idea gone awry. yes, and a fun-filled surprise turning into an incredible screw up right here. david letterman originally had a one-hour daytime show. and nbc, after like 13 weeks, decided to cancel it.