something new entirely. we see your kindness and humanity. ♪ follow me, yeah follow me the strength of each community. i got my spine i've got my we've seen more sparks than we can say. orange crush ♪ >> the way that peter buck about 20 million just yesterday. played guitar and the way that stipe sang where the voice was incredible but you couldn't the more we look the more we find, quite figure out what he was saying, it just made them more the sparks that make america shine. alluring and mysterious, you could get why that band would become huge. ♪ >> it wasn't new wave, it wasn't a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ it has done wonders for the sagging record industry. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ it has made overnight stars of rock groups whose records had been gathering dust. ♪ and i feel fine >> this year, the first since 1978, business is finally up, and the reason is music videos. ♪ ♪ fine fine fine fine >> you know, this is the thing >> we had no idea that music about the '80s. everyone thinks it's about crazy videos would have that much of haircuts, lots of makeup, insane an impact on the musical clothes, and it was. culture.