that left arizona's john mccain a wild card ever since he said this on tuesday. it's a shell of a bill right now. we all know that. [ezekial] this wasn't a bill that was well thought out and that, i think, very much offended john mccain. he was a man who was not inclined to follow party lines just to follow party lines. and he was sick with cancer and came back to vote. the question now is whether he is going to take that maverick label and wear it proudly as he potentially takes this down. [don] breaking news right now. the republicans' obamacare repeal failed in the senate tonight, the vote 49 to 51. [david] bill came on the floor in the middle of the night. there was no chance to review it. sixteen million people would lose their healthcare. [john] john mccain hated trump. thought he was a person of no character. and trump, of course, had committed the ultimate offense when he made the comment about mccain is a pow. he's a war hero. he's a war hero 'cause he was captured. i like people that weren't captured, okay?