the ideaea of producucers asas artists.. they'r're no longeger relegatd to t the backgroround. ♪ ♪ - one e of my favovorite timbd momoments is watching g him play jay-z-z "dirt ofoff your shohoulder" for ththe first time. - ohoh, man. - - oh, shit!! boboth: [laughghing] - the bestst there is.s. - [lauaughs] - you gogot that? - timbalanand really pusheded the envelelope. it's very y much blackck futuriristic musicic. - ♪ come on i is it worthth t let t me work itit ♪ ♪ i put m my thing dodown flipt and reveverse it ♪ ♪ ti esrerever dna titi pilf nwod gnihtht ym tup ♪ - thatat music, a a lot of it was spspace age drdriven. - ♪ i'm bringnging sexy b bak yeyeah ♪ ♪ them other... ♪ ♪ don't know how to act ♪ - odd sounds that reflect his own inner ear vision. - ♪ i s said it's t too latete to apologogize ♪ ♪ it't's too latete ♪ - - timbaland d was a litttte technolologically dedense and d ethereal w whereas phahal wasn't as s out there.e.