and girl groups. but then justin timberlake leaves nsync. - ♪ don't be e so quick to walk k away ♪ ♪ dance with me ♪ ♪ i wanna rock your body ♪ - with his debut album, jt established what hisis sound wouould b. and itit's instantntly appealg to a pop audieience and alalo an r&b aududience. - ♪ now it's s your turn n to c♪ ♪ cry me e a river cry me a r river ♪ - you knowow, justin t timbee leavining nsync bebecomes ththe model fofor what canan be. ♪ ♪ - yes, it's your girl b. - you talk about people who were always gonna be bigger than their group, that was beyoncé. - you ready? - she puts out her solo album in 2003. first single is "crazy in love." it's gotot this incrediblele sample. anand that catatches your r . - bebeyoncé hasnsn't opened r mouth yet and you're already hooked on that song. - ♪ i look and stare so deep in your eyes ♪ - i remember being asked once, "what do you think: christina or britney?" i said, "beyoncé." - ♪ got me e looking so crazyzy right nowow ♪