>> yes, keeping up morale. >> can we have a chat? >> yeah. >> ooh! >> i've watched the british show "the office." it's one of the greatest cringe shows of all time. >> no, i don't have a great many ethnic employees, that's true. but it's not company policy. i haven't got a sign on the door that says "white people only," you know. i don't care if you're black, brown, yellow. orientals make very good workers. >> what's up! >> don't do that! >> when the decision was made to make an american version -- >> wazzup! wazzup! >> there was a lot of head shaking. like, oh, god, american tv, they're going to ruin it. >> are they breathing? >> no, rose, they are not breathing. and they have no arms or legs. >> that's not part of it. >> where are they?