♪ ♪ i was in my car in atlanta on the tenth and 14th bridge going over the split when i heard "shake it off." first thing i thought was the track was amazing and then the hit came in ♪ the players going to play, play, play, i'm just going to shake, shake, shake, shake it off ♪ >> how does a person feel when they come home and feel like their house has been robbed? that's how i felt. ♪ players going to play, play, play, play ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you have the cream of the crop artists and taylor swift is the top. >> she's a modern pop star but old fashioned as it gets. she believes in magazine covers and performances on late night tv. a lot of the traditional ways for artists to be in the public eye. >> she is the biggest artist like in the world. she's just like rolling in dough. >> taylor swift had yet another massive year. she dropped her midnights album that rose to the top of the charts. >> you got the ticket master debacle literally crashes the website because ticket master can't keep up with the demand and that speaks to how massive of an artist she is. >> she started off in the country lane and she moved into the pop to become one of the highest selling pop stars america ever seen. taylor swift has had a very stroo -- strategic evolution of sense of self. >> people get excited with any taylor swift project but "shake it off" was big for taylor because it was a more playful side to her than we're used to seeing. >> "shake it off" was everywhere. it's actually stuck in my head a little bit. ♪ the players gonna play, play, play ♪ ♪ the haters gonna hate, hate, hate ♪ shake it off, shake it off ♪ >> just face it. you're done. this song will be in your head the rest of the day. her album "1989" sold, sold, sold, sold. >> the new single, huge hits everywhere, "shake it off" is that philosophy of not getting bogged down in that. >> people are allowed to say whatever they want about you and call a newspaper and then it's a national news story. it's easier to handle that when a sense of humor. >> one magazine headline said it best, taylor swift is the music industry. >> we were used to seeing taylor swift as like this kind of sweet, strumming the guitar talking about the boy next door and here she is standing up and got backup dancers and like i'm hip. i'm cool. i'm not here for the haters but she's not been able to shake off the com vntroversy of the song. >> people i've been with in the business for years said you know what you're doing, right? i said yeah, but i have to. i have to say something. i have to do something. when i first got into the music business, i was 17. back then it was kind of like you had to pay to get in the studio so that kind of weeded out a lot of people. getting bills was a situation. everyone has a deal now. if you had a deal then it's because you fought for it. ♪ ♪ >> so before i got in the music business i started acting doing a movie called "little spies". >> my mom cook some stuff that tastes like dog food. >> movies and a lot of commercials. i kind of grew up in the business and then when i turned like 9, 10, 11, i was like okay, music is my thing. i met nate butler through a friend. nate was just leaving college. he wanted to write music. so we met and we hit it off like immediately and became like best friends and then, you know, of course, not everything you write is going to be a smash but we got a lot of placements together. we worked on "escape." ♪ ♪ >> we love that song so much that sean produced. i feel like people really appreciated real vocals back then. people loved r and b back then. r and b was i would say bigger than hip-hop. ♪ ♪ >> my first pop hit would probably be "no more on 3 ow." ♪ ♪ >> so it's black girl groups of the late '90s and early 2000s. they had staying power. they had marketability. they could harmonize and dance. they had personality. they had identity. and they had something you could hold on to. ♪ ♪ >> nate and i worked on about three or four songs on the 3 ow album, "no more curious, players gonna play." when we wrote that we were at church and i did this track before service. i played it for nate and he's like oh my god, that's incredible. that's incredible. service is over. he's like sean, i got the hook. it's crazy. it's crazy. so we go back to the house. he sings the hook to me. i lose my mind and we're like this is a smash. this is crazy. ♪ players gonna play, haters they gonna hate, ballers they gonna ball ♪ >> we just knew sometimes when you write something and you get goose bumps, you don't know if it's going to go number one but you have a really good feeling, yeah. >> in this case, we're talking about a song that was legitimately popular. while it wasn't "shake it off" it was lwas legitimately somethn the air waves. >> 3 ow song "players gonna play" peaked at 81 but in my world at the time that was a big rec record. >> when i first heard "shake it off," i vibing with the song and when the hook hit, my mouth dropped open. we knew something had to happen. we needed to take action so somehow. at least extend an invitation to talk. we reached out, and didn't really get a response. so i called julian to get his perspective on it. julian wright is a manager slash business mind slash little bit lawyer. he went to hau rvard law school and took some classes so he was like run it by julian. >> when i heard the hook and heard players gonna play, play, i said that's 3 ow. lily! welcome to our third bark-ery. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”. but seriously we need a reliable way to help keep everyone connected from wherever we go. well at at&t we'll help you find the right wireless plan for you. so, you can stay connected to all your drivers and stores on america's most reliable 5g network. that sounds just paw-fect. terrier-iffic i labra-dore you round of a-paws at&t 5g is fast, reliable and secure for your business. 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[ laughter ] >> hey, hey, hey, don't be a player hater my brother. [ laughter ] >> one of the original players. from the himalayas. >> in the '90s and early 2000s as hip-hop and r and b and black music in general enjoying this title wave of cultural influence, a lot of terms that were natural and say no, ma'am mouse synonymous at large like player hater, shot caller, baller. ♪ want to be ballers, shot callers ♪ >> scrub. ♪ no, i don't want no scrub ♪ >> "scrub" was on my note pad. i would use that for a title. that was a saying me and my home girls would say, i don't want no scrub. we need to do a song, you know, calling scrubs or whatever. i give you the definition of scrubs. the first line of a song. ♪ a scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly and also known as a busta ♪ heller. that's what a scrub is and now the whole world knows it. >> with the taylor swift shake it off case, it's almost a non-starter because it was thrown out by the first judge who heard it. >> judge w. michael fitzgerald dismissed the case saying combining the phrases players gonna play, haters gonna doesn't doesn't worry copyright infringement. >> the judge said that particular phrase was too brief, too unoriginal, too common basically to be a legitimate copyright claim. >> when you're a songwriter, you pride yourself oncoming up with new fresh lingo, phrases, ways to convey an idea and when you do that and it's used someplace else, it will make you feel a certain way. ♪ ♪ >> you don't go through a process for five, six years of challenges not knowing what the end will be. cases can be emotional. ups and downs, sad, happy, you know, excited, not excited, just i wasn't nervous or scared. we got messages. we've gotten death threats. it doesn't phase me. there are points in times where it's been a thing but scared, i wouldn't say scared. this situation is bigger than me. it bigger than my kids. it's bigger than their kids. this situation affects us as a community, people of color and someone has to stand up. >> after that decision was rendered, sean and nate decided to appeal the demissile -- dismissal. that's when i came in. come combining those two pharases an taking the same number of sill bolls, choosing words that have negative connotations, haters, choosing a word -- >> i understand you're arguing -- but let me just -- my question was much narrower. >> so sure, the phrases themselves might become monobut that's not what the claim is. the claim is that sean and nate put together an original combination of phrases, they took players gonna play, haters gonna hate and put them together in a chorus. >> sean and nate are saying not only are the lyrics basically identical but also the combination and the order in which these lyrics appear in players gonna play and "shake it off." taylor swift's defense saying hold on a second, taylor writes all her own music. these lyrics were inspired by common place phrases used in her school and there is no monopoly over that phrase. >> i argued why that case should continue to trial. >> there has to be concrete similarities and what they're relying on are abtractions. there is a big difference between row your boat and row, row, row your boat. those are different things. players gonna play and because the players are gonna play, play, play are different uses. this is exactly the core of creativity. if i recorded a song today that began of course the players gonna play, play, play and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, would ms. swift have a claim against me? >> if you're talking i den tt killy copying -- >> you said players gonna play, are your client's phrases long enough to get copyright protection. >> if somebody took the same chorus somebody did in "take shake it off," i'm sure taylor swift would sue. >> you have the exact number of reputations and the plaintiff's work with no repetition at all. no repetition at all means it's not protected. >> i think there is an argument with this number of repetitions it is protected. >> thank you. >> thank you, your honor. >> i think that was also a point that influenced the ninth circuit saying yes, this case should proceed. ♪ ♪ >> the thing that stood out to me was more than just the words. there were quite a few structural things that i saw within the composition that's in both songs. they're both used as the hooks, a hook is -- that's the chorus, that's the part of the song everybody remembers. >> in the "shake it off" lawsuit taylor swift's team is arguing the phrase, players gonna play, haters gonna hate are part of the public domain. they've been out there and fair use and alleging it's a money grab from hall and butler, that they see this as an opportunity to make money off of taylor swift because she's so incredibly successful. but it's obvious that taylor knows how the game should be played. taylor swift wrote "look what you made me do". ♪ look what you made me do, look what you made me do ♪ >> and gave credit to the three members of right said fred because she said there are similar ities between my song ad their "i'm too sexy" hit. ♪ i'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt ♪ >> your option is to change a song or reach out to the person that wrote the song you're worried about and cut them a deal, get them involved in the song writing credits and then everyone is happy either way. >> very smart on taylor swift's part because she didn't wait for somebody to point it out. she said you know what? i recognize it. i'm going to give them credit. clearly she understands that if there are more than a few similarities, that you need to give credit where credit is due. also shows she's aware of the how the music industry works. >> taylor swift as an artist and as a businesswoman has always kind of fashioned herself as a champion for songwriters and for giving songwriters their credit where it's due. >> i'm in the get away car, left you not motel bar. >> took the money in the bag and stole -- took the money in the bag and i stole the keys, that's the last time you ever saw me. >> it shows you the complications even taylor swift who is certainly an advocate for her own song writing authority is herself kind of roped into this. >> the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation is credit. if you like something, pay for it. if you like that shirt or that design, pay for it. >> young lady who is mid 30s, couple kids, recently went through a divorce. she had a lot of questions when she came in. i watched my mother go through being a single mom. at the end of the day my mom raised three children including myself and so once a client knew she was heard, we were able to help her move forward. your client won't care how much you know until they know how much you care. shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. it's official, america. xfinity mobile is the fastest mobile service. and gives you unmatched savings with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 a line per month. the fastest mobile service and major savings? can't argue with the facts. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services, now with over 5 million customers and counting. save hundreds a year over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. talk to our switch squad at your local xfinity store today. appropriation, borrowing without givingpropriation is ou stealing and saying that it's your own. >> it's that disparity and that unfairness that people are constantly on the lookout for because it's so historic and it's so weaved into the american culture. >> i think a lot of people are just now waking up to the fact that most music genres that were birthed in america were birthed by black people. ♪ ♪ >> and were stolen and popularized by main stream white artists. >> the issue of cultural appropriation really speaks to the roots of the music industry. which have been for as long as recording as existed has really been riding on the back of black talent. some recording contracts still say the record company will own the master and any slave recordings, a slave is a copy of the master. the roots of these terms obviously go back to the very birth of the nation era of white supremacy. >> almost since the beginning of the music industry, there have been the feeling that white artists have taken from black artists and made it into something that they felt was more palatable for a white audience. >> the money doesn't flow, the attention doesn't flow to the black creators. it is in a way hijacked by the white creators. >> i think when it comes to copyright lawsuits, legal decisions don't have anything to do with ethical ones and cultural falls into that appropriation. >> "sweet little 16" was rewritten by the beach boys as "surfing usa." ♪ ♪ ♪ across the usa ♪ >> it's the same song almost entirely. ♪ come so excited ♪ ♪ surfing usa ♪ >> brian even admitted that he was rewriting "sweet little 16" when he wrote "surfing usa". >> if you look back, i think the george harrison case with my sweet lord and the chiffons, "he's so fine." ♪ he's so fine, wish he were mine ♪ ♪ my sweet lord ♪ ♪ my lord ♪ >> that's probably the case that sort of set the table for what we're looking at now. ♪ i really want to see you ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the generally accepted story is that him, let's just say ripping off the chiffons "he's so fine" was an accident. >> it was one of the biggest songs at the time so i believed george harrison that he could have heard that song and it could have subconsciously influenced him. >> subconscious plagiarism is when you copy something without intent or without realizing it. the way that people make mistakes with accidental plagiarism is just human nature. >> if you can prove that you independently created a song that substantially similar to another but had no idea, had never heard of the preexisting song is just purely coincidental that is a defense. >> he didn't deny he knew the song. it was a big hit but it was just something that he didn't put together and he thought he had written a totally original song. george harrison lost that case and was required to pay a lot of money. when you have these discussions about music copyright cases, you don't have to prove intent. that's sort of impossible. but you do need to prove access in the case of 3 lw access is inherit when your song was on the charts. ♪ ♪ >> it was on "trl." >> please put your hands together for 3 lw. >> "trl" was everything. >> make some noise for britney spears. >> live on "trl "is christina aguilera. >> adults were watching it. kids were watching it. the industry was watching it. that basically was the ultimate playlist. >> the music that you connect with when you're 10, 11, 12 years old, that is among the most impactful music of your life. you know, that's the stuff that you're going to carry into your teens and into your 20s. >> in 2008 taylor swift gave an interview to "j 14" magazine she said she grew up watching "trl" and she was a huge fan but in august 2022 under oath taylor swift submitted a decoloration, and in it, she states i listened to country music almost exclusively. in my house we played cds and rarely played the radio. when i listened to the radio, it was again really country music. i did not watch the mtv show "trl" and i did not go to clubs during this time. i believe it. taylor swift grew up on a christmas tree farm and we've seen the early videos of her playing the guitar from when she was a little girl and she started as a country music artist. >> taylor swift also says in this decoloration, until learning about plaintiff's claim in 2017, i had never heard the songs "players gonna play" and never heard that song or the group 3 lw. i have never seen a "players gonna play" music video. "shake it off" was independent of "players gonna play". >> her defense, she says my parents limited what i could watch and listen to and did not permit me to watch "trl" until i was about 13. the lyrics of "shake it off" were written strictly by me with unrelenting personal scrutiny of my personal life. >> led zepplin jim my page. >> katy perry is not the only one dealing with a lawsuit like this. >> we've seen this with a lot of artists like sam smith. >> sam smith and armoni. >> more legal trouble for ed her ron. >> dua lipa taking two lawsuits. ♪ ♪ >> she's facing two copyright allegations. one from a reggae group. ♪ ♪ >> and then another from a pair of composers. ♪ ♪ >> who say that the song is actually based on a song that they did back in the '70s. both lawsuits are really about the cloth of a song. more about cover sesmposition t writing lyrics. >> and lizzo, a tweet ended up in a song and it was a signature moment of the song. ♪ i just took a dna test, turns out i'm 100% that bitch ♪ >> one of the first lines in lli zrks lizzo's "truth hurts," just took a dna test, turns out i'm 100% that bitch. i don't know if you can say that on cnn. >> she ended up with credit because lizzo was like got to give credit where credit is due because one thing about social media, when they come for you, they come with receipts. >> if you have a successful song that charts, someone is probably going to come after you and claim that they wrote something similar. it's so common especially in the last switceven years since the "blurred lines" trial. ♪ ♪ >> there's an age-old music industry saying where there's a hit, there's a rit. >> many shocked by a jury's decision the hit "blurred lines" was stolen from marvin gaye. >> it was the number one song in the world. marvin's wife immediately believed it copied marvin's "got to give it up." ♪ ♪ >> did you immediately recognize the song, the similarity? >> absolutely. didn't take more than a minute. >> it didn't help ferrel robins or robin thicke and robin thicke admitted -- >> my favorite songs of all time was marvin gaye's "got to give it up". >> that was almost an admission of guilt. >> i know if marvin were alive, he wouldn't have stood for it. >> january called me and said hey, richard? i was like i'm in. >> marvin gaye's family won $5.3 billion of a dispute. >> a federal jury in california said it was much manufacture than inspiration, it was copyright infringement. >> as music journalist, a question i always used to ask artists when i would interview them when they have a new album coming out, what were you listening to around the time you created this album? who was inspiring you? you can't ask that question anymore. if they said david bowie and the david bowie estate says this sounds like "fame" we're going to sue you, my interview is now an admission of guilt. >> everyone should say bee beethoven. can't get sued there. >> a culture where a claim is made with the idea a settlement will be cheaper than taking it to court if there is no base to the claim, it's really damaging to the song writing industry. >> everyone in the song writing industry is looking over their shoulder feeling like they might be next. we're providing greater access to investing, with low-cost options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive. even when things seem quieter, the urge to protect means staying on the lookout to help keep others from harm. at pfizer, we're driven by this impulse. we've reached hundreds of millions of lives with our covid-19 response. and we keep innovating. whatever comes next, we will respond fiercely. like family. ♪ research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual!!! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ take a picture. i'm stuck! is that the new iphone? yup, i just got the new iphone 14 with its amazing camera at t-mobile. wow! for a limited time at t-mobile, get four iphone 14s on us. and 4 new lines for $25 bucks a line. ♪ ♪ you say i'm different ♪ ♪ ♪ i've learned in this game like when you have a hit song, you're probably going to get sued. it's just what the -- and if you haven't been sued yet, just wait or you ain't doing something right. i don't know. >> the little secret here that unites all of these controversies is we have 12 keys. there's no way to write a song that is 100% completely out of nowhere original. >> what makes it original is what is your perspective? ♪ ♪ >> so i went through the ariana seven rings and took it back with a classic melody of "favorite things." ♪ ♪ >> it started over those simple -- that simple little thing and then taking it to the future and doing a completely different interpretation. ♪ ♪ >> it was scary because we're taking this iconic classic song and trapping it out. they could have been like no, no, no, we cannot have this iconic song sounding like this. >> ariana grande agreed to sign over 90% of the royalties to the estate. she got permission from them and that was the deal they made. >> after having a few conversations and figuring it all out and us all being like man, is it worth it to keep it in there? it is. let's go. >> originality is so much more about taking something that you love, filtering it through your perspective, filtering it through your other influences, blending it all together and i think that's the thing that someone is like olivia rodrigo does well. her first song is called "stop signs." ♪ ♪ >> olivia rodrigo huge pop success and very post taylor swift king of song writing and valid swifty. >> i like to tweet about her all the time. >> this is also the irony of the taylor swift situation, which is olivia rodrigo she said how she wrote the song "deja vu." ♪ ♪ >> and she said, you know, i really loved "cruel summer." ♪ ♪ >> taylor swift song, one of my favorite songs and i wanted to get the same kind of vibe. ♪ ♪ >> clark helped write it with taylor jack and my three favorite people in the world. >> olivia rodrigo on her debut album "sour" gave taylor swift writing credits on two songs and said taylor has inspired her, inspired her music. there is irony in olivia doing this for taylor when taylor is not trying to do this for the two men suing her about "shake it off". >> maybe that's all john hall wanted and if that's the case, i do understand them being upset. >> it's challenging. this situation is challenging because, you know, it's been awhile. it's been going on for a long time and it's personal. it feels personal. >> again, when you respect other artists, when you respect other songwriters, you give credit where credit is due and you obtain a license. >> i definitely feel like if there was a conversation with taylor or her team, things would be a lot different. we probably wouldn't be talking right now. >> we would have figured out what worked for both parties and it would have been done. that's what we expected. that's what we thought was going to happen because it happens every day. >> if we know anything about taylor swift, it's that she does not shy away from a fight. ♪ ♪ >> taylor swift is an unexpected champion of cry eator's rights d went after spotify for their rights, which are poultry. she has taken on apple. >> apple completely changed policies they spent months negotiating. it shows she has unbelievable power. >> which she said didn't pay the creators fairly, which is true. as a song wrwriter advocate, sh done tremendous work. >> she used her platform to be able to help other artists. >> she has been around for almost 20 years at this point and oh my god, i'm old. she has had so many different feuds and so many different controversies. >> i'm going to let you finish. >> fights she's waged. >> i'm still someone who is the first to apologize when i'm wrong but i think i'm bet ter a standing up for myself when i've been wronged. >> team taylor versus team everybody else. >> the list goes on and on. >> when you go up against a star like taylor swift, you're going up against a machine. it goes beyond david and go goliath. think of half david against two times goliath and this time maybe david doesn't have god on his side. ♪ ♪ nina's got a lot of ideas for the future. and since anyone can create a free plan at fidelity, nina has a plan based on what matters most to her. and she can simply focus on right now. that's the planning effect. from fidelity. peaceful state. full plate. wait, are you my blind date? 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>> yes. >> this could be interesting. >> yes. it probably will be a media circus. >> are you surprised that they have not offered a settlement? >> i haven't said they haven't offered it. i also didn't say that they did. a settlement negotiation between parties are confidential and cannot be discussed in public. can this case settle? anything is possible. >> it's really hard to know where your sympathy lays in these situations. but, in terms of shake it off, look, she has so many hits to her name that giving up 50% of this one song is not going to break the bank. she is going to be absolutely fine, and many artists have preemptively gone through this step and i would not be surprised if they settled, too, because the public miss of a trial is much more damaging, ultimately, and, the payout could be much larger. >> it was a quiet monday, a slow news day, and all of a sudden, my phone is going off. >> taylor swift has finally shaken off a copyright infringement lawsuit. >> it's a copyright infringement case with huge industry applications. >> the judge dismissed the case. >> now, both sides have agreed to end the suit. no word on the terms of any settlement between parties. >> the lawsuit has been dropped. it's been dismissed. there will be no trial and everybody is wondering, how did this happen, and why? >> so the question of, who wins? i honestly think there are no winners and losers and i think that ultimately, the stalemate is a win for music because it opens the door for each nuanced case that comes after it to be judged on its own merit and without the noise of the precedent that would have been set if taylor swift won or if sean and nathan won. but, if she had won, it could have been the nail in the coffin for multiple small artists who feel like their influence and impact is influenced with people and megastars and they don't get to see any of the benefit of that. the folks that usually experience that are black folks. >> when you have black success, it resonates so much more in the black community and in the brown community and you have a mainstream artist, and try to replicate that it's like, what can we have? >> everyone who creates art stands on someone's shoulder. you might not be directly influenced by this person, but you are influenced by someone who was influenced by someone. >> a lot of people said, you know, her pockets are deep and her reach is far. ♪ ♪ >> do you know what this is? do you understand the size and magnitude? i said yeah, i get it. but, we don't want to be used. and, we don't want to be appropriated. >> what advice would you give to anyone who wants to be a singer? >> get a good lawyer. ♪ ♪ >> whatever happens with taylor swift, we know we will get a good album out of it. my dad was a hard worker. he used to do side jobs installing windows, charging something like a hundred bucks a window when other guys were charging four to five-hundred bucks. he just didn't wanna do that. he was proud of the price he was charging. ♪ my dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. i think he'd be extremely proud of me, yeah. ♪ i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. take a picture. i'm stuck! is that the new iphone? yup, i just got the new iphone 14 with its amazing camera at t-mobile. wow! for a limited time at t-mobile, get four iphone 14s on us. and 4 new lines for $25 bucks a line. come on guys, eat your food, let's go! i wanna taste your banana pudding, you taste my banana pudding. it's on. it's on. it's on. [laughter] ♪ ♪ i was gonna say, will you marry me? [screaming and cheering] [screaming and cheering] is my makeup messy? yes, it's messy! [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i see an amazing place. feels like a dream. a place of many wonders... and full of life. i open my eyes: earth is our pandora. ♪ ♪ >> this was nothing like anything that any of them were singing. the legacy of my new year's eve live with anderson cooper and andy cohen. coverage at 8:00. "video killed the radio star. clear quote" >> they are stealing

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14 ,2022 ,August 2022 ,Country Music ,Radio ,Decoloration ,Cds ,Videos ,Girl ,Show ,Clubs ,Mtv ,Christmas Tree Farm ,Country Music Artist ,Group ,Learning ,Parents ,Scrutiny ,13 ,Armoni ,Page ,Sam Smith ,Katy Perry ,Zepplin Jim ,Trouble ,Copyright Allegations ,Ron ,Ed ,Dua Lipa ,Composers ,Reggae Group ,Pair ,Cloth ,Cover Sesmposition T Writing Lyrics ,70 ,Dna Test ,Tweet ,Zrks Lizzo ,Lli ,100 ,Bitch ,Truth Hurts ,Lizzo ,Social Media ,Receipts ,Trial ,Blurred Lines ,Jury ,Marvin Gaye ,Wife ,Rit ,Admission ,It Didn T ,Got To Give It Up ,Robin Thicke ,Ferrel ,Family ,Guilt ,He Wouldn T ,Dispute ,Inspiration ,Marvin ,California ,Richard , 3 Billion ,5 3 Billion ,Copyright Infringement ,Music Journalist ,Coming Out ,Sounds ,Estate ,Fame ,David Bowie ,Settlement ,Base ,Bee Beethoven ,Can T Get ,Song Writing Industry ,Shoulder Feeling ,Options ,Investing ,Americans ,Communities ,Plains ,Help ,Coasts ,Hundreds ,Urge ,Harm ,Others ,Impulse ,Millions ,Lives ,Pfizer ,Covid ,19 ,Home Insurance 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