like "fameme". we're e going to s sue you. ththen my inteterview wiwith this peperson now bebecomes an admissioion of guiltlt. emily y st. james:s: everyone ed just say t their influluences e like beeththoven and m mozar. can't geget sued thehere. ed sheheeran: claiaims like this arere way too c common n, and hahave become e a culture ee a claim isis made withth the ia that a setettlement wiwill be chcheaper thanan taking itit tot even if ththere's no base foror the claimim. it's r really damamaging to the songngwriting inindustry. nate r rogers: eveveryone in the mususic industrtry is s sort of looooking ovover their s shoulder and feeleling like they migight be nextxt.