nate r rogers: trlrl was everyr. ininterviewer r 4: 3lw and their r fans here.e. intervieiewer 5: letet's make some noioise for briritney spe. ininterviewer r 6: live onon , itit's christitina aguilere. ininterviewer r 7: here iss eminemem with "my y name is". julian wriright: adultlts werere watching g it. kidsds were watctching it. the induststry was watatching . ththat basicalally was the ultimamate playlisist. shirley y halperin: : the musict yoyou connect t with when n ye 10, 11, , 12 years o old-- thas amonong the mostst impactfululc ofof your lifefe. thatat's the stutuff that yoye gogoing to cararry into yoyours anand into youour twentiese. chloe memelas: in 202008, tayr swift gagave an inteterview to 4 magazine i in which shshe sad that she g grew up watatching l and she e was a hugege fan. tataylor swiftft: i literaray grgrew up watctching trl.. but-- chloe memelas: but i in augut 2022, ununder oath, , taylor st submitted d a declaratation. in i it, she statates, "i listeneded to countrtry music almostst exclusivevely.