as a vision test, we also have cholesterol, diabetes. some of the people that are here are finding out for the first time that they are debettiabeti. our services are open to everyone not just hispanics. we would like to welcome back our international viewers. just as u.s. troops pull back from the most dangerous cities in issue, president obama order a new offensive in afghanistan. admiral mike mullen is here to map out the latest in both wars and discuss the risks of escalating the fight against the taliban. the nation's former chief of chairman, colin powell talks about his early concerns about the price of the obama a again da. and an average american that rose to royalty in the middle east is pushing for a world free of nuclear weapons. queen noor gets the last word. that's all ahead on this hour of "state of the union." >> u.s. marines in afghanistan are in the early days of the riskiest military operation since president obama became commander in chief 167 days ago. the push against the taliban in southern afghanistan is the first major test of the president's new afghan war strategy. so far, one marine has been killed, several others wounded in the offensive in afghan. the escalation in afghanistan comes as the united states wishes to shrink its footprint in iraq. here to help, is america's highest ranking military office, admiral mullen. welcome back. admiral thank you for starting at the magic wall. let's begin in afghanistan. i want you to feel free to step up to the map and show us exactly where these marines are fighting and as you do, sir, explain who is the enemy here. is at any time taliban or a mix of taliban and al qaeda? >> good morning. we put in about an additional 10,000 marines in afghanistan, most of them are in the south. as it shows here on the map, and this is the capital of afghanistan, kabul. i'll take you to helmand where the fighting is going on. you can see specifically in this area of garmsir is where the marines are engaged. what cuts through this is the river, the helmand river, the river valley. this is the most concentrated area for opium growing and we expect, we expect significant combat challenges with respect to the taliban who have been there and we haven't been able to both defeat them and then clear the area. it's this extra footprint of marines that i think will allow us not just to secure the area for the afghan people but also hold it so we can develop it and start to move in the right direction economically and from a governance perspective. >> in terms of resistance that the marines have faced in the early days, is it what you expected or are you concerned that the taliban are melting into the country side and hiding because they know you're there. >> generally it's what we've expected. there's been some of that. some tough fighting. all of that ties into the expectations that we had. this has been a taliban stronghold for a significant period of time. it's grown over the last two or three years. what the marines are there for is to really concentrate on that, clear that area, i'm sorry, defeat the taliban that's there. clear it. and then hold it so that, again, we can start to build. and we think it will be a pretty tough fight for, you know, a fair amount of time. weeks, months, at least. >> can you talk about this being weeks or months for this fight. i want your assessment for broader picture in afghanistan. in the context of what i would call on mixed signals on troop levels in afghanistan in the past week, general jones was quoted as saying the troops that are there are the troops the mission is going to get and you were quoted in the "the washington post" as saying if general mcchrystal says he needs more you'll go to the president and say mr. president we need to send more. your concerned at all that there's a mixed message in term of what it will take in afghanistan? >> general jones and i and the president are all on the same page in terms of what we have to do now. president obama has committed these troops. they are arriving as we speak and will through the rest of this year. general mccyhrystal is going through a 60 day assessment. his guidance from me and from secretary gates is make your assessment, come back and tell us what you need. make sure every troop we got there is somebody we absolutely have to have, and then based on your assessment we'll look at future requirements and all of us are on the same page with respect to that view and his intent. >> i want to ask you, sir, to shift over. i know you have a map of iraq. the deadline on june 30th to get out of the iraqi cities and as you pull the map up now, i wonder if you can play for me the video that shows your footprint before and our footprint after. >> this is obviously baghdad. you can see in the middle where our footprint was. now, actually, in the outskirts here, indicated here and here is where we've moved our force. we've moved our fosses outside the main cities, you can see here outside baghdad where we have our cities and we're in support of the iraqi security force. big transition. we've been coming out of the cities for the last eight months. we're at a period of time where we're in support of the iraqi security forces. we reached a very clear agreement with the iraqi political leadership, with their military leadership on how this was going to work, and i'm confident in what i've seen so far that us moving out of the cities has been a very positive step. >> 130,000 roughly americans in iraq right now, due to be down to 50,000 a year from now and ultimately all those troops out unless the iraqis request more to stay by the end of 2011. any reason at this point to think that schedule would not be kept? >> not that i'm aware of right now. we have an agreement with iraq to have all troops out by the end of 2011. this obviously is sustaining the security, and then to discussion on the elections which are at the beginning of next year. that's the next big event. and the politics associated with that are critical and most of the issues right now are for the political leadership in iraq to resolve. we focus on the january time frame. after january we see a significant draw down of our troops getting to 35,000 to 50,000 in about the august time frame a little over a year from now. from everything i see right now we're on track. >> admiral mullen i would like you to take a seat and be more comfortable so we can continue our conversation. admiral, you showed on the map what you think is the strategic situation. i want to talk about timages we saw this past week. as the u.s. kept its promise and kept its deadline and pulled out, there were celebrations in the streets. iraqi citizens calling those troops occupiers. in a statement the prime minister focused on the iraqi government said they succeed in putting down the sectarian war that was threatening the unity and sovereignty of iraq. people in the streets calling them occupiers. the prime minister not thanking them. i wonder about the parents and siblings of those who gave their lives so far so people could demonstrate in the street, what kind of message that sends to them? >> no years ago this country was in very bad shape, spinning out of control and because of the dedication of our young men and women and those sacrifices that we were able to turn it around and put the country in a position to have a future that is bright and was indicated, i think, by that celebration. i know from my engagement with prime minist the prime minister they are appreciative of everything we've done. >> i want to move on to an issue that's come up from time to time, that is whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly. you are the nation's highest ranking military officer. at your confirmation two years ago you said it was the right policy to have don't-ask, don't-tell. >> it's a policy that came in, at a time it was greatly debated at the time it was actually put in place. i'm supportive of that policy. >> you said supportive two years ago, sir. i sat down in recent days with another gentleman who held your job, retired general colin powell who supported the policy when it was implementeded but now says it should be reconsidered. let's listen. >> well, the policy and the law that came about in 1993, i think, was correct for the time. 16 years have now gone by, and i think a lot has changed with respect to attitudes within our country and therefore i think this is a policy and a law that should be reviewed. two questions. let me start with the advice you give to the president. do you believe the policy don't-ask, don't-tell should stay and is that your advice to the president even though that is contrary to the promise he made in the campaign? >> what general powell talks about is the policy and the law, and with respect to that, we clearly are carrying out both that policy and law. and we'll continue to do that until it changes. secretary gates spoke recently about reviewing the policy to see if, to make sure that we were executing it in the most humane way possible. it's very clear what problem's intent here is. he intends to see this law change. in my advice, you know, i've had conversations with him about that. what i've discussed in terms of the future is i think we need to move in a measured way. we're at a time where we're fighting two conflicts. there's a great deal of pressure on our forces and their families, and yet, again the strategic intent is clear. if we get -- and i am internally discussing that with my staff on how to move forward and what the possible implementation steps could be. i haven't don any kind of extensive review. what i feel most obligated about is to make sure i tell the president, you know, my -- give the president my best advice, should this law change, on the impact on our people and their families at these very challenging times. >> i want to close on this july 4th weekend that's close to you and much concern at the pentagon and that is the care for the wounded soldiers. you talked about this and the suicide rate is up, alcohol use is up, the divorce rate is up. you mentioned at fort hood only eight soldiers at a time allowed in the mental health symptom classes. 50,000 troops are on that base at any given time. what message does the president need to hear, the congress need to hear, and, in fact, the american people need to hear about what more needs to be done to make sure that these men and women coming home get everything they need? >> well, i think leaders throughout the land and throughout communities in our country need to reach out and make sure that we are meeting the needs of these great, young americans who sacrificed so much. not just the military members, but their families. while we've made a lot of progress in the last several years, we have an awful long way to go. there's a great deal we don't know about the combat stress, posttraumatic stress. there's a great deal we don't know about the signature wounds of traumatic brain injury, whether it's mild or severe. in fact, young people, young families want to contribute to society. they still have dreams, and those dreams include getting to school, sending their kids to school, having a good job for both members of their family, and hopefully being able to own a home someday. i think all of us in america need to pay this -- or repay this debt that they've done so much for us and do it in a way to make sure that they're in great shape for the rest of their lives. >> admiral mike mullen, thanks for spending time with us this morning. >> thank you, john. up next an exclusive interview with the former joint chief of staffs, colin powell. we'll hear his take on the operations in issue and afghanistan. "state of the union" will be right back. . we've seen over the last 12 years a great mobilization and now with president obama being heavily committed to service and putting more emphasis on it and more money into programs, united we serve as he talked about recently, i think the country is coming together, realizing that it's a problem for all of us. >> retired general and former secretary of state colin powell here on "state of the union" earlier today talking about the importance of community service. he shared his thoughts on afghanistan, iraq and the price tag. president obama's ambitious agenda. >> i spent time at walter reed. it's a heroic place. you see things that leave you with a sobering opinion, these men and women coming back with horrible injuries and yet they're survivors and smiling and getting back into the community. you have the injuries, the ptsd issues and suicide rate go up. do you believe as the man who once led our military that the government of the united states and the people of the united states understand the 10-20-year 30 year commitment. >> i think we do. in the early years of this conflict, i don't think we were sensitive enough to fact that these injured soldiers coming back, youngsters who would have died during an earlier war were going to not require just hospital care and a little bit of transition but they are going to require life-long care. at the memorial day concert on the lawn, we celebrated one of these soldiers who was grievous injured in the head and he's going to require custodial care from his mom and sister for the rest of his life and the rest of their lives, and i'm not sure we ever prepared ourselves for that kind of intense demand on our system. it's going to require the government, including veteran's administration, the pentagon. but the community is going to have to step forward as well. because they're going to be living in a community as well. we need community assistance as well. >> we saw a critical deadline in iraq, forces to pull out of the major cities and they have pulled back. i spoke with the general. he said he's confident the plan will work and the u.s. troops will be out by 2011. one of the striking plans on the streets was iraqis celebrating this and essentially criticizing the occupiers and said they had a great victory. did that strike you as odd as these people would not have the right to be out in the streets like this. has their relationship been poisoned? no, i don't it's become poisoned. we should pocket this. they're happy. they had made it clear from the beginning they wanted to be free and independent. they didn't want to be occupied when we were there. now it's started to change. this is not yet over. as the general said and the president said recently, it's now up to the iraqis to solidified their representative government system and make sure they have the security forces that can handle all of this. but i'm glad that the deadline that was set by president bush some time ago with mr. maliki has been met and our troops were able to step back from those kinds of active operations. and the iraqi people are happy and responsible for their own destiny. it cost more than $700 billion and more importantly than 4300 men and women were killed in iraq. looking back, was it worth it? >> that's a judgment history will have to make. thousands more who were injured and live with those injuries, so history will have to make a judgment, a dictator is gone. a regime is gone. the iraqi people have been given a chance to have a representative form of government living in peace with its neighbors. we have to see what historyess judgment of that will be. >> a general who is now serving in a position that you once served in. i'm sure you saw the story in "the washington post." he said my strong view is we're not going to succeed simply by piling on more and more troops. we tried that. where are we? do you agree that the economic needs to be on government building and economics? >> i think it has to be all of the above. whether you need more troops on top of the 20,000 that the president has added to the force, i'll let that be a judgment made by the commanders on the ground. general petreaus certainly understands this better than anyone, as does general jones. i have great respect for both of them. but general jones has made an important point. it can't be just a military solution. if people don't see their lives getting better through an economic development. if they don't see a government that seems to be responsible for their well being and acting on that responsibility. if they don't see a government that is functioning properly that is not corrupt and is not working hard to better their lives, then all the troops in the world are not going to make this better. >> an issue you wrestled as a commander is whether gay and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly. a president as a candidate promised to reserve that policy and he's faced criticism. this past week he had an event at the white house for gay and lesbian americans and he promised them this. >> i believe don't ask, don't tell doesn't contribute to our national security. in fact, i believe -- i believe preventing patriotic americans from serving their country weakens our national security. >> and secretary gates says he's exploring flexibility in the current policy. we're waiting for whether congress pass as law allowing some flexibility that understand some circumstances, perhaps some openly gay or some people who have been outed should perhaps be allowed to stay and serve. what would you do? >> well, the policy and the law that came about in 1993, i think, was correct for the time. 16 years have now gone by, and i think a lot has changed with respect to attitudes within our country and, therefore, i think this is a policy and a law that should be reviewed. i am withholding judgment because the commanders of the armed forces of the united states and the joint chiefs of staff need to study it and make recommendations to the president and have hearings before the congress before a decision is made. it's not just a matter of old generals who are, you know, just too high-bound. there are lots of complicated issues with respect to this and i think all the issues should be illuminated. and i hope that the joint chiefs of staff and the commander working with the secretary of defense will give this some greatest consideration and make a recommendation to the president and congress. >> more of our conversation with colin powell when "state of the union" returns. hi, may i help you? 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[ gun beeps ] [ laughs ] i feel so empowered. power to the people! ha ha! yeah! the option to name your price -- new and only from progressive. call or click today. welcome back to "state of the union." let's continue our conversation with information secretary of state, colin powell. we're about to have a supreme court nomination, confirmation hearing and it is clear now from all involved that we're going to have a spirited conversation about affirmative action. it's an issue you have discussed many times over the course of your life. any advice for the senators and both parties. let me ask you first, do you know judge sotomayor? >> no, i do not. she seems like a gifted and accomplished woman. she certainly has an open and liberal bent of mind but that's not disqualifying. she has a judicial record that seems to be balanced and tries to follow the law. so i hope we do have a spirited set of hearings. and supreme court confirmation hearings tend to always meet that standard. and she ought to be asked about everything from both the left and the right. what we can't continue to have is to have somebody like a judge sotomayor who is announced, and based on one simple tricky but nonetheless case at the supreme court has now decided have her called a racist, and she ought to withdraw her nomination because we're mad at her. fortunately the senators who will sit on this hearing in the judiciary committee after a few days of this kind of nonsense said, let's slow down. let's examine her qualifications and the way we're supposed to at a confirmation hearing. >> the guy who used the term reverse racism is rush limbaugh and he said not so favorable things you about. he said this guy said he's a republican but he supported obama, you're not a republican. you're a republican? >> yes. mr. limbaugh, of course, is entitled to his opinion but he's not on any membership committee. he doesn't decide who i am or what i am no more than i decide who he is or what he is. we've had this running debate, let's call it that and he's entitled to his opinion and i'm entitled to minute. >> you supported president obama. you did make quite clear your reasons for doing so. are you going to support him for reelection sore it too soon to answer that question? >> it's too soon to answer that question. i get questions all the time. i've voted democrat over the years. i've voted republican. i voted twice for the first bush and twice for the second bush and i voted for lyndon johnson and jimmy carter. i try to find the best person qualified for the highest office in the land. i think it's always best to have two strong parties, political points of view. that's what makes that country great. and they can debate those points of view. i think we're running into dangerous territory when the two ends of the political spectrum become so dug in and nasty and everything is add hom name that our positions become so hard. >> you're very complimentary of the president when it comes to community service. the message he gave on fatherhood. i want to ask you some questions about a speech you gave in 1996. >> i became a republican because i believe like you that the federal government has become too large and too intrusive in our lives. we can no longer -- we can no longer afford solutions to our problems that result in more entitlements, higher taxes to pay for them, more bureaucracy to run them, and fewer results to show for it. >> my first reaction looking at that clip is you could probably sell your aging secret because you look great. but as the president in that regard when it comes to financial institutions and bailouts and when it comes to spending by the federal government, does president obama meet the test colin powell laid out in 1996. >> let me say this that was a good statement. i believe in all those things but i also believe we should have a government that works. i don't like slogans like limited government. that's not the right answer. the answer is give me a government that works. keep it as small as possible. keep the tax burden as small as possible but at the same time have a government that solves the problems for the people. people want their problems solved. very often it's the government. let's have good government, effective government whether you call it limited or not. one of the challenges president obama has now, he has so many thing on the table and these are issues that the american people find important, heal care and so many other issues. but i think one of the cautions that has to be given to the president and i've talked to some of his people about this is that you can't have so many things on the table that you can't absorb it all and we can't pay for it all. and i never would have believed that we would have had budgets that are running into the multi-trillions of dollars and we're amassing a huge, huge national debt that if we don't pay for in our lifetime, our kids and grandkids and great grandkids will have to pay for it. i think the president as he moves forward with his initiatives has to take a hard look at what the cost of all this is and how much additional bureaucracy and will it be effective bureaucracy to make it all happened. >> so it's early, but you're a little worried. >> hmm? yes. >> is that a fair way to put it? >> concerned is the way i look at it. the bills associated with these programs and the additional government that will be needed to execute them. >> as you go forward, you say you talked to his people. you say you talk to his people. what's your relationship with him? >> very good. >> have you talked with him? >> i met with him not too long ago. i don't assert myself but we stay in touch. >> i want to close with a couple of questions, one on the cultural discussion with the united states. the country is saying farewell to michael jackson. he was without a doubt a trailblazing entertainer. there are other parts of his life that people find quite troubling. i was watching the tribute at apollo theater which you know well. >> where i grew up. >> what did he mean to you? >> he was a great entertainer and he crossed so many lines with his skill and the skill of his brothers. i always remember him most vividly as a young boy with his brothers, the jackson 5. he was fresh in the early '70s singing those songs, "abc." don't ask me to sing it. that was what i remember about michael. during the heyday when he was doing "thriller" and the other things, i was in vietnam or korea or somewhere. he's not part of my generation. he's worthy of all the tribute that he's receiving for his art. yes, there was some challenges in his life, yes there was a great deal of controversy about him, but he's passed on let's celebrate his art. >> we live sometimes a too fast-paced a life. some would argue. when i was at walter reed, we were sitting down with two men in the army who had served oversea whose are now helping the wounded war heroes at walter reed. i said this is the day where people will have flags in their yards but you guys wear them every day and a gentleman i was speaking to got choked up. i got choked up. what does july 4th mean to you and do you think sometimes in our rush we forget? >> these young men and women who have volunteered to serve their country and who have paid a price for serving their country are so deserving of all the tribute we can give them. even after they've been wounded and you see them at walter reed, they wear the patch proudly and they're proud of having served and it's something they'll never forget if they go into normal life. july 4th still represents a remarkable date for us to stop and reflect on what our founding fathers achieved on july 4, 1776. and the noble sentiment they gave to the rest of the world that all men are created equal. the government serves the people and the people serve the nation and no group of individuals serves the nation as bravely and with such courage as our men and women in uniform. so july fourth as we were told by our founding fathers, shoot rockets and celebrate. praise our flag. but let's not forget the freedom we enjoyed, the freedom we declare has to be won every single day. it's won by all of us but especially these men and women in uniform. >> thank you for coming in. general powell, appreciate it. as we focus on service this fourth of july weekend we'll talk with a woman whose causes include ridding the world of nuclear weapons and bringing an understanding of peace to the world. queen noor gets the last word. because in addition to 36-hour cialis, there's another dosing option: cialis for daily use, a low-dose tablet you take every day so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. man: tell your doctor about your medical condition and all medications and ask if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. don't drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed back ache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision... stop taking cialis and call your doctor right away. announcer: 36-hour cialis or... cialis for daily use. so when the moment is right, you can be ready. rays that can cause skin damage, and even skin cancer. that's why neutrogena created ultra sheer with helioplex. for the highest combined... uva/uvb protection. get the best. neutrogena ultra sheer. i'm john king and this is the "state of the union". here are stories breaking this sunday morning. two monorail trains crashed at disney world this morning. one drivers killed. they say the monorail has been shut down and the company is working with law enforcement officials to determine just what happened. officials stress no disney guests were seriously injured in that crash. an autopsy is scheduled on the body of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. he was found shot to death yesterday. police say he was shot multiple times including once in the head. a body of a young woman was found nearby with a single gunshot wound. they're not actively looking for suspects. those are headlines on "state of the union." my interview with her majesty queen noor right after a quick break. imodium multi-symptom relief combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there. more than two dozen news mak makers were on the sunday talk shows. only one gets the last word and that's queen noor. she joins us from london. one of your major causes is try to rid the world of nuclear weapons. it's a cause that the president of the united states shares. heography dra hattic statement three months ago in prague. >> as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the united states as a moral responsibility to act. we cannot succeed in this endeavor alone but we can lead it, we can start it. so, today, i state clearly and with conviction, america's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. >> in the week ahead the president of the united states will travel to moscow for a critical summit with the president of russia. when it comes to ridding the world of nuclear weapons what is the test you would apply to this big meeting? >> well, this meeting will follow on statements that they made that were quite historic in prague right before the g-20 meeting. wherefore the first time the russian and american president committed to the total elimination of nuclear weapons to work together towards that goal. the global zero initiative, which i am a founder, that was organized last year and first launched last december, has created a commission that is presenting today a series of recommendations that we hope both presidents will consider before their july 6th meeting. those recommendations are the result of work by political and military experts on trying to create the framework for a phased, verified movement towards a global zero accord, an accord that will be signed by all nuclear and nuclear capable nations, we hope, within around 14 years that we achieve that goal, building on the commitment. russian and american presidents whose countries together encompass about 90, well over 90% of the world's arsenal of nuclear weapons. >> you make the point about that goal and it is a worthy one. i moved over to our map so i can illustrate the point you just made. back in the day this was largely a conversation between the united states and russia the former soviet union. but you can see china is now in the nuclear club, india and pakistan in the nuclear club. great britain and france, israel over here and you have, obviously, iran and over here in asia, north korea who are aggressively pursuing nuclear props on their own. how much does it trouble you that the genie is out of the bottle and do you think now it's possible, possible to put it back in? >> the dangers of the proliferation of these weapons and nuclear materials that today exist in 40 countries to make another 100,000 bombs over this 23,000 estimated that we have today, that the danger of those materials ending up in the hands of terrorists or misused by governments is increasing by the day. we have two path, one is to continue along this path of proliferation to a nuclear proliferation tipping point at which we may not be able to pull back, or to move towards a path towards global zero. >> the president of the united states just a month ago was in the middle east and in caro he gave a very important speech. i want you to listen. >> so long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, those who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. and this cycle of suspicion and discord must end. >> has the speech changed the conversation in any significant way? >> his tone is extremely important and this also applies to the nuclear issue, in that he's making it very clear that there cannot be separate sets of standards for different countries or different regions of the world. there has to be consistency. there cannot be exceptions to international norms. and if we're able to work along those lines, on mutually respectful terms, we can succeed in the middle east and elsewhere. >> i want to show you something to follow up on this point that i find quite fascinating. this is a poll taken in jordan, a country you know so well. if you look, ask the people what they think aboutor, his favorable rate is 58%, a very low unfavorable rating. if you ask them what they think about the united states, 56% of jordanians view the united states unfavorably. they seem to like this president in the arab world but still don't like the united states. what is the challenge for the president to change that number? >> i think that what the problem has been for a very long time is that american policy has not been consistent with american principles and rhetoric, and i think many in the region are wondering, hopeful, but wondering can president obama mobilize the support in the united states and elsewhere where required to see through his vision of peace in the region, a peace that is based on justice, that is based on the removal of illegal obstacles to peace, that is based ed on the rights of all. and freedom of occupation. if you talk to the israelis they are nervous about this president, after george bush they thought they would have a consistent friend that would suicide them and they are now questioning whether this president by publicly pressuring them on settlements and other steps has taken a different tack. >> this spat truer and more honest friend to israel as well as to others in the region than perhaps anyone that has preceded him. he's talking about what is in the best interest of the security of the people of israel as well as the security of palestinians and others in our region and the security of all israelis depends whether they can live at peace and in respectful -- on a respectful basis with palestinians and others in the region, whether they can live by international law and norms and by the agreements that already exist that have provided framework for that peace. >> we're spending quite a bit of time on this program talking about community service on the july 4th holiday weekend. tell me what community service means to queen noor and where does that passion come from? >> well, it began when i had the privilege of growing up, living in washington, d.c. during president kennedy's administration. martin luther king was one of my heroes. i marched with him. president kennedys exhortation not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country and then the peace corps actually became my goal for what i might contribute, not only to the larger world. >> majesty queen noor we're thankful for your insights. we wish you the best. >> thank you, john, very much. >> take care. coming up a call to service. into revolutionary performance. one word makes the difference between defining the mission and accomplishing the mission. one word makes the difference in defending our nation and the cause of freedom. how... is the word that makes all the difference. 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