is that they use their children, they use their civilians, they don't give any thought about them. i mean the hamas leaders are divided into two. those who are in underground bunkers in gaza, they don't care, let the people there, you know, with the rocketeeres and the attack tunnels, let them die as israel tries to surgically take them out but they're safe underground, the military leaders, and then they've got the political leader, this guy khalid marshall, roaming around five-star hotel suites in the gulf states, having a good time while he's deliberately putting his people as fodder for this horrible terrorist war that they're conducting against us. so this has to stop, and i think many people in gaza understand that hamas is describing gaza, destroying their lives. they've taken tons, not tons, tens of thousands of tons of concrete that we enabled them to bring into gaza to build skyscrapers, to build schools, to build hospitals.