on a civil rights war going on there were other things going on besides the war in vietnam. >> senator kerrey, the nation is at war today, yet there's an absence of any protest movement. do we care less as a country when it's a volunteer force? >> no, i don't think we do. i do think there is a big gap between the non-military civilian population and the military population. and it is a concern. i think the all-volunteer forces i think would produce an prochlt but improvement but you do have the divide. americans care much more today about men and women serving. >> that's one of the lessons everyone has learned from vietnam. you can oppose the policy but you don't oppose the soldiers. i think we didn't know that 50 years ago but that's something i think everyone agrees on now. >> gentlemen, some are saying there are parallels between the current situation with regard to isis and what we went through in the '60s. argument goes something like thr. a handsome young, democratic harvard educated president is