before or after. femininity comes from within. >> it's normal to be overwhelmed by the mortality of it and what you did makes me think that you know how to take care of yourself. you have already probably saved a life as a result of your experience. >> those are incredibly brave women. i'm so grateful they shared their stories and so much more because they actually showed me their mastectomies because at the end of the day the reconstruction all of them have reconstruction i needed to see that. i needed to understand it. not just in pictures. now i want to bring in someone who has been very important to me throughout this journey. she's my doctor. my second opinion. the chief of breast services at memorial sloan kettering cancer center. thank you for being here. i want to start right without with the brca gene test. three women i talked to tested positive and made this decision to go ahead and have a double mastectomy. is that typically the decision that you would recommend? >> women with brca have a high