>> pizza margherita. pizza, pizza. >> as we walk off some of those calories, elisabetta tells me how pizza was born in these streets from quite unpromising beginnings. >> well, mostly they were selling bread with a little bit of fat on it. sometimes pepper, because you know people were really poor. then, at a certain point, people here invented pizza. but for many years it was just a neapolitan taste and a neapolitan dish. >> because cholera also played a significant role in its attitudes? >> yes. it did. it did for centuries. >> thankfully for us, by the late 19th century, the italian prejudice against naples and its food began to change. and elisabetta is taking me to the place where, according to legend, in 1889, the italian queen ordered a pizza that went on to bear her name, the margherita. do you make pizza at home ever? >> in naples, it's almost forbidden. >> well, there's no point. >> the only problem was during lockdown all the pizzerias were