rusty bowers: so i take the call and donetta steps out goes in the house. i sat there in my little prius and had a chat with the president with bad phone reception and backed out in front of the house where i'd get better reception. jake tapper: rudy giuliani was on the line too, and bowers says it was giuliani who began making crazy claims about voter fraud in arizona. rusty bowers: i can't give you the exact numbers, but i'll throw out numbers, but they're kind of the audacious numbers like 200,000 illegal aliens voted, 6,000 military ballots were stolen and used. jake tapper: bower says giuliani wanted him to hold an official arizona house hearing to air these claims publicly. rusty bowers: and then i said, but what's the whole purpose of this? what are you trying to achieve? and they said, well, we've heard that there's an arcane law in arizona that if you have sufficient cause, that you can throw out the biden electors and put in trump electors.