woman, who has the same last name. shannon savage. >> i'm thinking, this woman has got to be a basket case and then find out she's pregnant -- oh, by the way, with somebody else's kid. >> here's how the embryos wind up in the wrong womb. to locate where the frozen embryos are stored, a lab worker by mistake uses shannon savage's paperwork instead of caroline savage's. the worker pulls shannon's embryos from a cryopreservation tank and places them on a petri dish with the name "savage" on it. nine months later, knowing she was having someone else's baby, caroline gives birth to little logan and then gives him up to his real parents. >> can you say hello to everybody? say hi? hi? >> to think that a woman carried someone else's baby, albeit by accident, to term and then had to hand that child over to that couple, not achieving her own pregnancy, first of all, she's an amazing woman. and secondly, it's a tragedy.