must maneuver to escape a credible threat. jim, tell me? >> i don't know if there is an sop because i don't know what you are talking about in terms of the threat. if the threat is in the plane that's one thing. if the threat is on the ground and somebody's got something they are threatening with -- pilots have an uncanny ability to believe they are going to fly the airplane safely no matter what. the beautiful thing about the human being is we know how to an lieds data and we know how to make quick and fine decisions. >> all right. just to see how mad les abend is with me about cameras, i'm going to ask him the same question. can someone answer that? >> you want me to answer that? >> yes, sir. i want you to answer the same question. >> same question. we have a checklist to follow. if it is a mechanical situation, we follow a checklist and even a hijacking situation we have a scenario that we utilize.