thanksgiving is just three weeks away. and if you're like me, you'll have a relative at your table, just a butter knife away with whom you disagree politically. well, it's the same in the beckel household. bob is the commentator, a liberal, who just published a fabulous memoir, it's titled "i should be dead." graham beckel conservative hollywood actor who supports donald trump, you've seen him in movies like brokeback mountain and "leaving las vegas" and tv's "aquarius." it's beckel versus beckel. graham, let me ask you, did you used to see eye to eye, politically? and if so, when was the break point? >> i used to be further to the let of him. and he was kind of a crotchety conservative kind of guy. he liked hubert humphrey who i thought was -- but, go ahead. >> he's still crotchety, he hasn't lost that, has he? >> no.