if that's what you want to do, you can do that. but for me, it's not about somebody's faith. it might be about their ideology. but i -- i personally know muslims who are devout muslims who oppose the agenda of radical islam, their perversion of their faith by people like al qaeda and terrorists and radical jihad. and i think dr. carson, in fairness, i think he did subsequently clarify that and say that it wasn't about the faith, it was about whether or not they favored using violence to advance their views. and i'm not a spokesman for dr. carson, but i think he said he would be against that whether that person was a christian or a jew or muslim or hindu. and i think that's what he was trying to say. >> ralph reed, thank you. next time we'll give you a different lead-in, i promise. >> no problem. good to be with you. donald trump has said several things that you'd think