charisma and t minus behavior which is destructive and sometimes criminal. after having studied political behavior for a long time that the risk taking personality and behavior is a key ingredient in much of the corruption and destructive behavior. let me play armchair psychologist. i believe this is what happens when we are represented by a permanent political class. democracy has not developed according to the plan. the idea was we pick the best and the brightest, those successful in life who would serve despite reluctance because of an understanding that the needs of the community require their service for a limited amount of time. and then they go home and resume their productive lives outside the government. those days ended long ago. and today, we have too many who are drawn to a risky profession

Related Keywords

Risk ,Behavior ,Personality ,T Minus ,Charisma ,Much ,Ingredient ,Corruption ,Armchair Psychologist ,Life ,Plan ,The Best And Brightest ,Democracy ,Idea ,Reluctance ,Understanding ,Permanent Political Class ,United States Government ,Amount ,Needs ,Service ,Community ,Lives ,Profession ,Home ,

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