years in the state department, case, the prosecutors were served as a u.s. ambassador to relying on cohen's testimony on several companies. conversations he had privately she's now back, was recalled to with the president. with respect to rudy giuliani, washington. are there concerns she could be there is a transcript of a fired, lose her pension, stuff summary of a call in which the like that? >> they've already done quite a president is invoking rudy bit to her. i think she's a tough person. giuliani himself and offering his assistance in his capacity as the president's personal they've already taken their best swing at her. attorney if they open up an she remains an employee of the investigation into joe biden and state department, we should make his son. so it's difficult for the president to pretend he acting sure she doesn't suffer any more retribution. they should leave her alone. volition. she is trying to do her job as >> how much trouble potentially is rudy giuliani in right now? she has always done and her duty >> there's been a lot of reports as a patriotic person who served of scrutiny of giuliani's the country well. she's telling the truth, she's finances. of course his long-time credible and she should not be associates the two people penalized for that. indicted yesterday doesn't help >> congressman thank you for matters. joining us. >> my pleasure. and clearly there's an indication this investigation, they said yesterday it's the breaking news continues ongoing. they're going to talk to these next. multiple legal setbacks for donald trump today as his two individual partners and administration loses five court perhaps go up higher on the battles in one day. more on the impeachment chain to find out who directed