it really makes little sense. >> pamela brown is over at the white house for us. and just remind us, pamela, because you've been doing a lot of reporting on this, why did the white house and the president think it was in the president and the white house's best interest to release this rough transcript? >> reporter: well that is the key question here, wolf. because remember initial lir our reporting was that the white house had been advising dna to not turn over the information such as the transcript, the whistleblower complaint to congress and then of course this was a big change do -- to release this conversation with the head of state and sources say in is-- initially the president thought this would take heat off of him and undercut the democrats' argument that he had something to hide. that may have backfired given the fallout over this conversation that the president had with president zelensky back in july and what is interesting as the fallout continues an talking to sources they are saying our arms were twisted, that there was just too much