ted cruz. he's been doing it in campaign rallies. he said he was beholden to oil companies, raises the fact he's born in cuba, he's an evangelical. watch donald trump go after ted cruz hard. he's gaining on him in iowa, and across the country. finally, chris christie. i'm watching the comeback of chris christie. he's back on the main debate stage, after being relegated to the undercard debate one month ago. and the issue set in this campaign is lining up nearly perfectly for chris kissty. his advisers believe. he will talk a lot about global terrorism, his experience and look for him to question the experience of senator marco rubio and senator ted cruz. those are three of the things of many things we're watching here tonight. >> jeff, thanks very much. a big deal for chris christie to be able to get back on to the main stage after being on the runningup stage. that of course, the first debate. coming up tonight for candidates on that stage. that's what we are getting ready for shortly.