it included pictures and names and addresses of u.s. military members. and it included a photograph with a knife and a gun. and it said -- a text that said, kill them wherever you find them. we took a look at his facebook and tumblr accounts and they contain plenty of posts expressing support for isis and attacks in iraq and syria. and others are simply cheering terror attacks even here at home. one of those posts says i can't wait for another 9/11, boston bombing or sandy hook. and another says somebody should park a car bomb in front of a church, school or mall. now, none of those posts actually break the law. posting those isis files with military members personal data went too far. and the justice department says that crossed a line into soliciting murder. some civil libertarians think that the justice department is going too far in trying to criminalize speech online, wolf. >> this is though part of a larger effort by the u.s. to try to shut down isis' u.s. online