convenient, on days when it's easy, even if public opinion isn't completely there. the reason to hold public office is not to do things that allows you to state in public office. the reason to hold public office is to the things that are easy and the things that are hard, even if that means there's a political price tore paid. i think we have to do what we are required to do under the law. >> and i know, because i've had you on, i know it's a given. you believe this is the right thing to do. you just laid out why, and i don't -- i don't disagree. as you know, though, impeachment is political. i don't believe nancy pelosi would have called for articles if he believed there would 07b8 be down side, so what is the reward for democrats? just good feelings upholding your obligation? where do you believe that democrats will reap political benefits? you have to believe there will