neutral. it is in the best interests of america, it's in the best interests of our national security for ukraine to win. we have to see this through. we have to finish it. >> if i misspoke, i meant to say that trump refused to say whether he believes ukraine should win the war. but you obviously knew what i was talking about. you have called putin a, quote, evil tyrant and you've said he cannot be trusted. how do you deal with a foreign leader this you cannot trust? >> well, first of all, let's look at where we are. so you've got russia invading ukraine. you've got north korea testing ballistic missiles. you've got iran trying to build a bomb. we've got chaos everywhere. right? but none of that would have happened had we not had that debacle in afghanistan. the idea that we left bagram air force base in the middle of the night without telling our allies who stood shoulder to shoulder with us for decades because we asked them to be there. think about what that told our friends. more importantly, think about what that told our enemies. so now you have this happening.