news. >> what does that feel like? >> it's kind of amazing because you hear about it all the time and certainly our colleagues have been subject to it, but it really points out how all of these facts are kind of taken out of context and weaponized for people's own political ends and we think it's really unfortunate because it obscures the hard work we're doing to put the facts out there so people can make an assessment on the merits. >> one thing that's become clear, brian, the fbi investigation in the view of many americans and many people who care about fair process was too short and too limited in scope. you have shelden whitehouse calling for a further investigation into the investigation, you have jennifer ruben of "the washington post" calling for something similar. a desire to make sure, number one, we have information about kavanaugh and more in our book than anybody has seen, but to make sure the senate judiciary process, the nomination and confirmation process to the supreme court in this country is fair and thorough and -- >> everybody should want that.