polarizing figures in the me too era. some people thought she was a hero, some people thought she was a villain. when we were able to piece together the behind-the-scenes story of her private past to testifying in washington, we realized it was so much more complicated than anybody, either side knew. >> and the dominos keep falling. bill cosby and roger ailes, o'reilly leads you to look into weinstein, weinstein leads to other revelations about other powerful men. weapon learn about brett kavanaugh, learn about all of these accusations and it keeps happening to this day. it's an extraordinary thing. thank you both for being here. best of luck with the book. the book is "she said." quick break here on "reliable sources." and the hill's columnist crystalbacrystal ball is here. and for a limited time, get free smartphones too! get 4 new lines of unlimited and 4 free phones for just 30 bucks a line! ♪

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