you might be uncomfortable about donald trump because he keeps the name calling going on on twitter, the press conferences and speeches? what's wrong with candidates attacking each other? that's what politics is. any sense that this is not the history -- why not let the attacks continue? >> i think we can remind people of what it takes to win. %-pournumberwurngoalis to take the white house back. you can do what you want it's a free country. there's a part of the country where candidates debate why their policy positions are better than the other. i understand that. i think we have to remember that calling each other names is not exactly helpful and the long-term goal. >> you're looking ahead past all these debates, looking past these primaries and looking to the general election? >> i am as hard as that is some days that's always where the prize is. >> absolutely. sean thanks for being here. >> you bet, brian. thank you. >> here is a postscript to all