the irs loves to prosecute famous people. we know that from the big name people we've seen. hunter biden would fit into that category. the one who pay up before a trial often get a deal like this. >> what is the difference with hunter biden and what is happening here versus the other big names you've talked about? is there a difference in how much they owed and what they were going after them for? >> so let's baseline those. wesley snipes or nicolas cage or willie nelson. they involved millions and millions of dollars. not just in income. in nic cage's case, i think he was evading tax on $70 million. it is millions in owed taxes. even with the agent's testimony. you were talking about 100,000 hear, $150,000 there. so far below that line. now, martha stewart went to jail for $200,000.

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People ,Hunter Biden ,Name ,Irs ,Category ,One ,Trial ,Deal ,Difference ,Names ,Baseline ,Case ,Millions ,Dollars ,Tax ,Income ,Willie Nelson ,Nicolas Cage ,Wesley Snipes ,70 Million ,00 Million ,Line ,Martha Stewart ,Agent ,Testimony ,Taxes ,Jail ,150000 ,100000 ,200000 ,50000 ,00000 ,

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