>> jessie knew damien echols and jason baldwin but not very well. they lived in a neighborhood close by. what was your world? what was your day like? what was your life like? >> poor white trash. i think that's one of the things that made it so easy for them to put this off on us, is because we were expendable. our lives didn't matter. >> whether that was true or not, the police were struggling to solve a crime with very few leads. what kind of pressure are police under at the time? >> business was suffering. people were not going out. life was not going on as normal. >> and they weren't getting crucial information from the state crime lab. three weeks after the murders a police inspector pleaded for answers about the young victims. time of death. cause of death. were the kids sodomized? "we need information from the crime lab desperately," the inspector says. "our hands are tied." police had all these theories, but what did jessie misskelley do for them in terms of confirming what they were