tony bennet is speaking out on gun control. we have a big conversation on gun control in our country. kerry kennedy talking about losing her father to gun violence. an emotional moment from joe biden talking about gun control in virginia today. >> the image of those beautiful young children, six and seven years old. literally riddled with bullet holes, lying in their classroom. all of us 54 days ago watching those families, only imagining we could be in the same spot and panic running around that parking lot and over that firehouse wondering, my god, am i -- my god. since that day, 54 days ago, 1,600 americans have died at the end of a gun. >> powerful stuff from joe biden. we'll have more on the debate in a few moments. just before the election, a landslide victory was predicted for mitt romney. we all know how that turned out. dick morris, how are you? >> i'm a little battered and bleeding, but -- >> before we go any further, let's watch a bit of the moment you never want to relive. this is one of your great predictions. >> going to win by a landslide. the -- it will be the biggest surprise in recent american political history. it will rekindle a whole question as to why the media played this race as a flail biter. where, in fact, i think, romney is going to win by quite a bit. my own view is that romney is going to carry 325 electoral votes. >> i feel pain listening to that p.m. in hindsight were you bluffing? did you believe this? is there any rational explanation for why you got it so wrong? >> i absolutely believed it, so did a lot of people. piers, cnn had a 47/47 tie race in its final poll 48 hours before the polls opened. >> what do you think about that guy who crunched the numbers, he got it bang on from start to finish. how can a pundit who is as experienced as you, be so wrong when this guy sits on his computer, crunching the numbers and data, and gets it completely right? >> well, when he was mayor of new york, he said, i don't make many mistakes, but when i make them, it's a beaut. this one was a beaut. 2000 i said bush was going to win. 2004, bush was going to win. in 2006 i said republicans are going to lose both houses. >> you're making this up. >> and in 2010 i was the only person that said the republicans would pick up 60 to 80 seats. >> you've also dropped some other claims, we have a roll call here. let's watch this. >> i believe the republicans will win 60 to 80 seats in the house, and i personally believe it could go higher. i think they're going to definitely win nine seats in the senate. there are two that may fall giving us the majority. >> there's going to be a government shutdown just like in '95 and '96. we're going to win it this time. >> ohio is overrated. he can win and will win. pennsylvania, wisconsin and a very good shot in minnesota. it's a little iffy, he'll never have to think twice about ohio, but he's going to win ohio. are you going to sue me? i said he was going to win 60 to 80 seats in the house, we did. nobody else said that, i said nine seats -- >> well, the republican -- >> 68. i said we were going to win nine seats in the senate. the republicans won six and three of the losses were by less than a point. so come on. look, the basic -- >> you know as well as i do, here's the thing. you know as well as i do, you got let go by fox yesterday, huge blaze of attention to this. it must have been humiliating for you, because people have latched on to this, they've been playing all this stuff. they've been trying to make out, as you are -- this particular poll noted. someone described you as the worst pundit of 2012. you know this, you know people are laughing at you, mocking you, and so on. how does that make you feel. given you've been so respected for so long until this period? >> well, i have gotten 30 senators and governors elected. 14 presidents and prime ministers. the president of the united states twice. and -- one and a half, i worked with others in the first go around. so i'm okay on that score. the real issue is why did romney lose? the immediate answer is the storm. and i wrote a column showing you four days before election day entitled in the last few hours -- >> you mean hurricane sandy? >> yes, certain danger signs saying that obama could be coming back because of the storm. the fact of the matter is that before hurricane sandy started, obama was trailing mitt romney. in gallop and rasmussen, virtually all of the major polling, because he had lost the first debate, not recovered in the second and gotten a little bit better in the third. and nobody could tell the impact of sandy. 15% of the voters made up their minds in the last 72 hours. and they cited sandy as number one. >> it wasn't just sandy. when the numbers finally came in for obama, he just cleaned romney's clock. i mean, he did. unfortunately for you guys, it was a really bad beating in the end. it wasn't really close, wasn't a nail biter, a surprise obama ran a much better campaign. you can't honestly blame a storm and say, that's what led to obama winning. >> no. >> obama was going to win -- >> i tend to believe that cnn's polling was accurate, wouldn't you? >> i think all the polls should be taken with a large pinch of salt. i really do, i think that nate silver was the guy -- >> he doesn't work for cnn. >> he doesn't. but we had him on this show three or four times, and nate silver kept looking at me in the eye and saying, all the pundits are wrong, all the polls are misleading. obama's going to win this easily. >> the question is why obama won by such a margin. there's been such a demographic shift in the united states. i thought it changed because of a charismatic candidate. 8 million whites stayed home in 2012. i think the republican party has to change in fundamental ways otherwise it will never win another election. >> i agree with you. you got turfed out of fox yesterday which people are interpreting as that style of republican front person. what do you say to that? is that why fox let you go? >> no. >> and what does that mean for the party, your involvement in it at all. some people will say, we don't care what he has to say. he's irrelevant now. >> the point is, that that's changes are fundamental, and we need to recognize them -- that does not mean we back off from our core principles, now that the taxes have been raised on rich people, you have a simple fight with obama. more spending against less, more debt against less. the republicans can win that fight. they have to stop victimizing latinos and women. start with the latinos. republican voter base. that group is going to vote like all the other immigrant groups do, as they move up, they'll become more republican. i know, because i ran the last two successful presidential campaigns in mexico. and in both of them, the conservative won. and they are pro family, anti-debt, and incredibly worried about illegitimacy and crime and all that. they feel like the republican party hates them. the bill has got to pass for them to -- for republicans ever to access that vote. >> what people are asking, why is fox not interested now on your views? >> i don't know what fox is interested in or not. >> they must have told you. >> i had a wonderful talk with roger ales who i respect. he said in this business, you're up, you're down, nothing is final or fatal. >> why are you down now? >> because i was wrong, and i was wrong at the top of my lungs. the other part of this is women. we have to get rid -- >> hang on a minute. let's just -- people are interested in this, you know that, they fired you because you were wrong. a lot of people on fox were calling it wrong, why you. why have you been singled out? >> why don't you invite them and ask. >> you know the answer. >> no, i don't many i was wrong at the top of my lungs, maybe i'm being made a poster child for that. >> do you resent that? >> fox has given me the opportunity of a lifetime, 15 years, 3,000 interviews. and at some point a great marriage has to come to an end. >> it has to annoy you that karl rove gets to stay on. he was a guy saying the election result on the night was wrong. they had to stand up. kelly had to stop running down the corridor. >> the divorce isn't final, but i am seeing other people. >> fox news' ratings have plummeted since the election. quite dramatically. down 22% in the key demographic. and in prime time, down 40% in the demo, it's lowest demo number since may 2006. it seems from the outside, and they would do this to us, that fox has got some real problems right now. one of the reasons is that they just called this election so badly wrong. and they may have driven the party and mitt romney down the wrong alley. >> apart from whether you blame fox or not, i'm not going to get into that. but i believe that the republicans were horribly hurt among women by the crazy extremists who said that rape won't make you pregnant and it's an act of god. on the other hand, democrats are hurt by those who say third trimester abortions are fine. abortion should be rare. and we have to understand that we're not going to be overturned by the court. roe is not going anywhere while obama's president. let's all work together on steps to reduce the number of abortions, because none of us think it's good. >> but the policy -- >> and the thing -- let me just finish. >> but, there was -- should the party stand in for a woman's right to choose was to keep the numbers low, is that what you're saying? >> no, i'm saying they're not going to do that, and that's their opinion. >> what is the republican position? >> i am pro life. >> and you also talk about abolishing it. keeping abortion but at a lower level. that's not pro life. >> let me talk about what i'm talking about. when billion clinton took office, there were 1.4 million abortions, now there's 700,000. because of adoption procedures, counselling, birth control. notification. the republican party needs to make abortion illegal to making it rare. >> when you say turning it from legal to rare, what you're moving from is pro life to pro choice in the debate. you can't be. you're either or, you either believe it should be legal or you don't. >> you move your position. >> i believe it's a practical matter with the republican party. if they focus on overturning roe, they're whistling in the wind, they know that. >> as a party's position, and they have to be clear about this, so the women you're talking about, if you're disenfranchised by the party, know exactly what they stand for. what you're saying is, they need to move from pro life to pro choice, albeit, trying to reduce the numbers? >> yes. >> is that right? >> explain to me why i'm wrong. >> i don't hear my own words coming out of my mouth. >> explain to me why i'm wrong. >> it's not a theoretical debate as to whether roe will be overturned. we've had 40 years of republicans dominating the court and it hasn't been. this is a theoretical issue that should not be allowed to determine an election. americans can come together, with the extremes on this issue, and focus on a workman like practical way, in reducing the incidents of abortion. teen pregnancy is down by 42%, that's a positive step because of policies that clinton and bush put into effect. about notification, counselling and all of that. >> would you embrace gay marriage? >> my view on gay marriage is if a state decides to go for gay marriage, that's great. that's up to them. i have no problem with it. i don't believe that the court should jam it down anybody's throat. >> what's your vote? >> if people want it they should be able to do it, it's got to be a decision of the community. >> when i hear you speak, it's interesting to me. i hear you speak, and i hear you basically saying, look, with abortion we need to move from pro life as people call it, i don't like that phrase. pro life to an acceptance that's going to exist to try to reduce the numbers. gay marriage going from an anti-gay marriage position to yes we should accept this and it should be -- >> when the people approve it. >> the republican party has to make its mind up as a party. it can't have endless people on both sides ripping each other's position apart, so that when it comes to an election, people go, what do we stand for. >> what we do stand for, republicans stand for, and it's becoming clear. and we need to be stronger on this, is holding down spending and debt. john boehner has to be seen in a new light. he's no longer the leader of the republicans in the house. he's a coalition speaker, a little bit like ramsey mcdonald, the prime minister of britain after the labor members all ran out on him, stayed in office held up by the conservatives. boehner now speaks for the democrats and a handful of republicans. i opposed higher taxes. >> should boehner be replaced? >> well, i don't -- a fight of that sort now would be destructive. i believe boehner and the republicans need to reclaim their fundamental legacy. if there was ever a time that we can understand that big spending and borrowing, and ratifying it by higher taxes is going to destroy the american economy just like it's destroyed the economies of japan and europe. and we have to rally behind that, and what is stopping that is that latinos and women feel they can't join the republican party even though they agree with it, because it's excluding. >> who would you most like to see leading the party for the next election? it can be a surname, a first name. >> scott walker. >> scott walker? interesting call. good to see you. you can always come back here, we're not going to ban you or fire you. coming up, we'll talk about what dick morris just said, about the future of the republican party. kerry kennedy joins me live to talk about guns in america. oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. joining me now two people who likely disagree about what dick morris just had to say. cnn contributor, elise jordan. and a speech writer for condoleezza rice. i think the headlines for me were, he blamed hurricane sandy for why he had been so wrong about the romney landslide. clearly had no time for john boehner. he thinks scott walker should be the next republican leader, and he says he was basically left from fox for being wrong at the top of his lungs. where do you start with all that? >> i thought he was graceful, first of all. i thought he was being honest. let's go to his contention about hurricane sandy being a game changer. it was over a long time ago for mitt romney. i think the debate, the first debate gave glimmers of hope to the republican party. it was a very bad campaign for mitt romney. >> one thing i thought was interesting, talking to dick morris about social issues. even when i discuss them with him now, i couldn't work out what his decision was. this seemed to cut to the quick of the republican problem. particularly in the nominee race. what do these guys actually stand for. on abortion he seemed to be saying, ween cat be pro life any more, we have to be sort of pro choice, but we're not going to admit we're pro choice, i didn't understand it. >> well, if only it were him, the republican party has backed themselves into this demographic cul-de-sac, they're trying to play around with different words to see did somehow i say that differently, if that were different, it would get them out of the corner. the problem,you have a big chunk of america now, probably the majority that felt excluded and disrespected by this party nor a very long time. now if they can just get an immigration bill passed all would be right with the world. that's not true either. the numbers are in the 60, 70, 80%, it's very hard to come back from that. dick morris is a simpson of -- the dick morris you saw on your show is a symptom of something deeply wrong in our republican party in disarray, detached from reality, trying to find his way back. >> there's certainly an argument to let him go. let's turn to his pronouncement of scott walker as the potential runner for the republicans in 2016. i want to play a clip from chris christie. this is him responding to a former white house position who claimed on cnn who was worried he could die in office. listen to what chris christie had to say today. >> this is just another hack who wants five minutes on tv. it's completely irresponsible. my children saw that last night. and she sat there on tv and said, i'm afraid he's going to die in office. i have four children between 9 and 19. i have my 12-year-old son come to me last night and said, dad, are you going to die? that's irresponsible stuff. >> i totally agree with him. being elise, i think that this obsession with chris christie's weight -- i've rarely met a politician with more drive and ambition than chris christie. why do we care so much about it. he's done an amazing job in the last few months. he's the most popular politician in the country. >> i think it's america's obsession with weight, and our country, your from london, u.k., our obsession with genetically processed foods and all that, america does have a weight obsession. i think chris christie is the future of the republican party and i couldn't embrace him more wholeheartedly. i love the way he is frank, straightforward, he says what he thinks. and he's just practical and pragmatic, and speaks with a lot of common sense. >> van, to me, it's a bit of a nonissue. i think he's a very popular guy, and even today. i can imagine many americans watching his reaction going, good for you. take her down. >> i can understand that. everybody loves this governor right now. he's fresh, he's frank. i think he has to be a little careful. he didn't have to attack her motives, call her a hack, tell her to shut up. those kinds of things may play well at this stage of his career. but you start thinking about, do you want a commander in chief who -- when a doctor makes the observation that frankly every american has made, can this guy actually pull this office? can he do it? can he physically do it? my doctor has told me, watch your weight, he calls her a hack. that's not presidential. it's funny, it's not presidential. >> i think if somebody went on tv, and told my kids i was going to die, i would call them a hack too. i'm lending my full weight. my girth behind chris christie. i think he's a force to be reckoned with. he spoke from the heart. thank you both very much. when we come back. she lost her father to gun violence. it's almost impossible to describe the pain of losing your father to a senseless murder or the anger and fear of knowing that that murder might have been avoided if only our leaders had acted to stop the silence. >> kerry kennedy speaking today at the demand a plan gun control event in washington. she's the president of the robert f. kennedy center for human rights. she joins me now. welcome to you. i want to start by playing, this is a clip of your father speaking after the assassination of martin luther king. it feels particularly poignant to me on the day you made such a powerful speech. let's hear this. >> whenever any american's life is taken by another american unnecessarily, whether it is done in the name of the law or in defiance of the law, by one man or by a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence. whenever we tear at the fabric of our lives, which another man has painfully and clumsily woven for himself and his children. whenever we do this, then the whole nation is degraded. >> an extraordinary evocative statement there, i thought, by your father. of course, horrifically, he himself was then assassinated a few months later. since then 1 million americans have been killed by guns. as joe biden said today, 1600 more since sandy hook. what is going to be done about changing the culture? never mind specific weapons, but the culture of gun violence that has enveloped america? >> well, i -- you know, i think we have to really start with the laws. it wasn't until the laws on drunk driving were enforced before people really took that seriously. and i think we need to start with an assault weapons ban and on the high capacity magazines. and the wonderful law that my own senator, kirstin gillibrand has offered on stopping trafficking, et cetera, i think we really have to start there. and then we need to look at our society and say, what are we doing? you know, it's an important part of the american experience to teach your kid to ride a bike, to fish, and to teach your kid, perhaps to shoot a rifle. that is part of the american experience for so many of us. but that is not what assault weapons are about, we're going in and trying to kill people. and we need to stop that. >> i felt that, particularly strongly when i fired some of these weapons, including an ar-15 the other day in texas. i was struck by the speed, the power, and the ease they were to use. apart from anything else, the speed of the bullets terrified me. thinking about those in a closed environment like a school or a theater, as they've been used in recent atrocities. i want to play a couple clips from tony bennett and chris rock at the same event today, think lent their support to the campaign. >> i still haven't gotten over connecticut. and like the assault weapons to go to war, not in our own country. and i'd like assault weapons eliminated. thank you. >> the president and the first lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country. and when your dad says something, you listen. then when you don't, it usually bites you later on. >> very serious and powerful from tony bennett. jokingly, but making a good point from chris rock. a majority of americans support a ban, a universal background check. a majority want the high capacity clips to be banned. there is a will there, but is there a will amongst politicians to get this done? >> i was on capitol hill today, and -- speaking to 15 members of congress, and all of whom have said that they are for this legislation. now, it's toh, because i think lades, looks like we've got >> i think, you know, one of the women who was there today, who's daughter was wounded in virginia tech put it so eloquently when she said, you want to know what courage is? courage is standing in a classroom and seeing a guy with a gun and wondering what's going to happen to you and wondering if you're going to survive that moment and being five or six years old. courage is not standing up to the nra. so i think, you know, really well put. let's get this into perspective. if you lose your seat because you vote for this legislation and that saves a life, i think you've served well. you've served our country well. >> i could not put it better, if i tried. kerry kennedy, thank you for joining me. >> thank you. coming up next, head to head with guns on the nra instructor and gun dealer on the other. çih let's go right to our debate on guns in america. and a gun dealer and nra instructor. welcome to you both. >> hi, thanks for having us. >> thanks. >> let me start, you're an nra member. you heard kerry kennedy there, her father was assassinated, her uncle was assassinated. a million americans have been shot with guns since then. what is your solution or idea for how to reduce gun violence in america? >> the most important thing is to keep lethal weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and people who would perpetrate that violence. i think the disagreement is over how to do that. >> what i keep hearing -- >> background checks. >> w redible changes. ri you'd all be entitled to have drones and nuclear weapons. and i don't hear anybody calling for that. there's clearly already a limitation on the kind of firearms you can have. what is the big deal in extending the limitation, in the lives of these mass shootings to include assault weapons, assault rifles? >> well, the ar-15 is a civilian version of the military rifle, and is widely owned legally by the civilian community right now. that makes it protected by the second amendment according to the supreme court in the heller case and the miller case. and if we want to change that, we could, but i think we would need to amend the second amended to modify it or repeal it to accomplish that legally. >> there are people now beginning to say, yes, maybe we should look as a nation, at amending the second amendment again, and the reason -- or appealing it, because the wording has been so open to interpretation that nobody seems quite sure what it means or what the founding fathers truly intended. >> well, look, it's always a tough task figuring out what the framers intended. i don't think you need to rewrite the second amendment to keep guns out of the wrong hands. we know that justice scalia, not a fan of gun control, when he wrote in the heller decision that particularly dangerous weapons can be banned to protect public safety. and other laws can be passed like background checks, like restriction on where you can carry certain kinds of guns. all of those laws were deemed perfectly acceptable. the question is, how far does that writing stand. that's one of the questions we're having now, i don't think any of the proposals that's being debated bumps up close to the constitutional line. >> here's the thing, america didn't used to have drunk driving rules. many millions of americans used to drink and drive. and it killed a lot of americans. america woke up one day and collectively went enough, they brought in pretty tough laws about drunk driving. as a result, the number of americans killed by alcohol related deaths in cars has absolutely plummeted. the argument's the same, i believe, with guns, you can't keep having 100,000 americans hit by gunfire a year. 18,000 committing suicide with guns and 12,000 getting killed or murdered with guns. you can't just keep going like this, there's got to be a point when you say, enough, what are we going to do? what weapons should stay in civilian hands and what shun the? these ar 15s are killing machines, i used one in texas. the idea that those are being used by deranged young people in sandy hook elementary school, it sickens me. and i just don't think it's enough to say, i want the right to go hog hunting with this. that doesn't supersede the right to stop kids getting killed with them. >> well, i don't disagree with that at all. we need to stop people from getting killed with them. unfortunately, those laws are already there and didn't work. the constitutional argument the gentleman just made has a flaw in it. the wording is dangerous and unusual weapons, may be restricted. and there's nothing unusual about an ar-15. military and law enforcement have been training on them for 40 years, all of us who have been through military training or law enforcement training are familiar with them, and comfortable with them. and they're the proper weapon for common defense if we're going to stick to the constitution in its original purpose. >> even the owner of the texas gun store where i was at on monday said they were not the preferred weapon for defense, and the reason he cited was that they cause such tremendous damage with the bullets. they go through concrete, they go through walls. i played golf with a los angeles surgeon the other day, who has to patch up the gang victims, he said the same thing, a lot of victims he treats are hit with ricochetted bullets because they go through walls, they're killing machines, they are, as you put it, military weapons. they just have to be banned, haven't they? what is the argument against banning them? >> they're not the military version, they're the civilian version, you know the difference. you fired both. the argument against it is that if we as americans need to organize for our common defense, they're the perfect weapon for us to have. and if we're not going to use that weapon for our common defense, i think we need to modify the second amendment to comply with the supreme court case law. >> if the assault weapons came in that senator feinstein wants in, there would still be 2,200 guns legally obtained. that is enough. thank you both very much. coming up next, l.a. reid talks x factor, whitney houston and tells us his grammy predictions. i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i was prepared to just rip you to shreds. doing a beatles song is prepresumptuous as if you are teen heartthrobs like the beatles and you actually are teen heartthrobs like the beatles. >> you may recognize them. he is also chairman and ceo of every record and played a key role in recent successes of artists including kanye we have, jennifer lopez and a little phenomenon called justin bieber. this week, the grammy salute. welcome to you. >> thank you. >> how does it feel to be an icon? >> i'm not sure. it come this weekend. a little bit scary. i feel like i haven't arrived at that point in my career yet. i'm a little bit young for it. >> of all your amazing successes with all these incredible artists, what's the one, if could i relive it. i said you have five minutes to live and you can have one moment with any of these artists. which one? >> kanye west in my office rapping his entire album to me like we're sitting here. incredible moment. like the highlight. >> did you know the moment you heard it this would be huge? >> absolutely. it was like a second album. he had already had some success. so it didn't make me a genius to know it would be huge but it was. a big record. >> is the kim kardashian move good for his brand or devastating? >> i think it is great for his brand. he was already one of the greatest if not the greatest music makers alive and now he is one of the most famous. what's wrong with that? >> let's talk about beyonce quickly. the lip syncing debate. when i watched her do you go the inaugural performance, it sounded very perfect. then i heard that she had lip synched and i wondered if i cared. she had clearly done it that week. does it matter? >> no. the truth is it didn't matter. she is great. one of the greatest of all time. it was a flawless performance of it didn't really matter that she had a backing track. the idea was to give a great performance. it wasn't to prove she can sing. if beyonce still has to prove she can sting after all this time, come on. give me a break. >> i thought her performance at the super bowl was just spectacular. i'm guessing that some of that would have been lip synched. it had to be, right? >> i would think about it appears it was all live. i don't know for sure because she is really good that the idea is not to prove anything. what we should be asking is was it amazing? and it was amazing. >> i couldn't agree more. talking about performing and entertaining, i want to play your clip with sharon osborn. i asked her to name the worst judge on television. this is what she said. >> who is the worst judge on television at the moment? >> oh, daye. that's awful. probably and i know he's going to kill me and he is the head of ozzy's record company and i shouldn't say this. probably l.a. reed. i think he is boring. >> you just ruined his record. >> i know, i know, it's like, l.a., get back to the bloody record company and sell some records and stop being a silly judge. >> no good. >> well, wow. >> you are his record company boss. you have it in your power to now fire him in retribution. >> i wouldn't dare fire ozzy. i wish i had it in my power to watch sharon. i'm not going to kid, i've never watched her. she is an amazing person. i don't know why she decided to take a jab at me. i think she might have wanted my job. i think that's what it was. i think she was hoping simon was watching so simon would say, you know, sharon, you're right. you should have this job on x-factor. >> you have this glow about you. i recognize it because i had the same one. that glow that comes about a few hours after you realize you no longer have to take simon cowell's midnight calls. >> that's just me. >> you're not doing x-factor. >> yours came at midnight? >> that's when he woke up. >> mine always came at 2:00 a.m. >> you're coming off x-factor. why is that? >> i did it for two seasons. i had a great time doing it. i really admire simon but i am done. it was time to move on. that was the first answer. the second one is i do have a day job, right in and i wasn't doing particularly great at my day job because i was taken so i'm back to work. >> grammys on sunday. a lot of great talent out there. who is your money on for big award winners? >> without really being specific to categories, i can tell you the songs that really sort of resonated with me. there is fun. >> i was going to say fun. >> the inaugural ball. they were sensational. >> and film of the year. >> yeah. i love fun. someone i also know who was great. >> and funny thoughts about whitney houston. last year it was so sad. >> it was very, very sad. it was a long weekend, you know. i love whitney. i spent a lot of time with whitney. i produced songs. we won grammys together. but this was tough. and i think because we're at a year, i think it will really sort of come down us on all and we'll realize it has been a year since she passed and it will be some sad moments. >> l.a., great to see you. congratulations on the grammy icon award. >> kind of crazy. thank you. >> well deserved. >> we'll be right back. tomorrow night, the mother oh! progress-oh! 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