cannot spend the democrats, when we have a good grass-roots organization, that can match the democrats grassroots organization, then we have a possibility of winning in the state of wisconsin. they are going to be very happy with these results. >> a good night for the republicans. thanks very much. tonight all t highlights from the palace. the crowds and parties. one event of a lifetime. the queen's diamond jubilee, this is a special "piers morgan tonight." down. nothing can put a damper on the festivities. not even the weather. we've got all the must see moments. ♪ this is my hometown. it all begins here at parliament square, and the procession will move up to trafalgar square and from there, it will come under the arch and ride it to buckingham palace. for what will be remarkable scenes are behind us just year and already you can kill the crowds building, they are expecting over a million people in the streets and the procession, the bands, i can hear it now. ♪ >> inside westminster hall, there is the queen having had the royals lead. and the national land of. it comes to an end, the launch part of the proceedings. very shortly, the queen will be leaving along with other members of the royal family and will be joining the carriage procession. outside westminster hall at this moment, the sovereign says cord is forming along with all the other members of that household cavalry. this is what britain does best. what you are seeing is the king's trip, the royal horse artillery, who are lining up for the parade where they will be firing the gun salute. the queen is now leading with the sovereign state in front. this is exciting. this is verging on historic. we will be joined by sir david frost. welcome. and lloyd webber, welcome. and so far truly overlooked after years of service to the very building behind us at buckingham palace. welcome to you all. put into context what this is about. people say why should we care while the queen is having her 60th anniversary celebration. what do you say? >> emerges quickly that people do care. it may be difficult to explain exactly what it is but you see people really do care. and go to places and people gather here and gather there, they really do care. what is it? on the 1 hand, people want to see the glamour of the palaces and so on. on the other hand, the journalists say it is important. the royals are ordinary folk. people want them to be extraordinary an ordinary, quite difficult. >> we have just learned and hopefully this is a good sign of things to come is that we have learned in 1902 state landau will be used so that is a good sign. at least they are hoping the rain will not fall down on the queen. what more do you know about this carriage news? >> we have been going backwards and forwards. would it be the australian coach from 1988 or the 1902 land out? even though it is raining, we will get the first umbrellas and as you can see from the lining up outside, they're going to use the 1902 landau. a change at the last minute. call the people are going to get a spectacular view of the procession. >> even as we said there were going to go with the carriage, the ring suddenly got have here. which shows you organizing these things must be a hellish nightmare. just now as we said, down comes the rain. >> it is one of those nightmares she can't predict. years ago when the queen used to ride the troupe into color, it rained cats and dogs overnight. they thought about calling it off but they didn't. the sun came out and by the time the queen got back to buckingham palace, the heavens opened. a marvelous picture of her sitting astride in the center gave way with her head crunched over because the parade is slashing down. >> want to talk to enter about last night's concert, and a credible extravaganza. madness on the roof and all sides of pyrotechnics. you were involved in this which was the jubilee charity. >> is the official song which i have written and it was great last night because we wanted to celebrate one thing. to pick up what sir david said, the one thing i wanted to do was celebrate her involvement with the commonwealth. i think in the way that is the same thing the multi-cultural society like britain today, it is the fact that she kept the commonwealth together in ways that she has for 60 years. we wanted to try this as much as we possibly could. you name it, we had aborigines care prince harry on the tambourine. a very moving performance. >> you are on the stage at the end when everybody came out. the queen and sir charles made that speech, what was that like to be there? >> it was fantastic. the thing i enjoyed the most was at the very beginning when this was not show on television but when i went out and we rehearsed the whole audience. that was fun because something that you are not completely on duty but a huge sign and it was amazing. >> here she is back, more live pictures. walking solo without her husband. prince philip, he is in the hospital because of his bladder infection. it looks like the luncheon is over and she is walking outside and the big moment we are waiting for despite the rain we have been hearing on this roof is the fact she will be taking this open carriage, the last time we saw this particular carriage publicly was only saw william and kate. a very famous carriage and the fact that it is out means they're confident about the weather. >> with the queen hold an umbrella in that type of carriage? >> if it is just a minute address all, it will be transparent umbrella. prince philip was actually carried striding yesterday morning. he was carriage driving at the age of 90 on sunday. there must be a concern to take him to the hospital. >> talk to me about prince philip. he is not here today but what an amazing rocky has been to the queen. >> incredible. she has recently said more clearly than ever that he has been incredible because he has had -- arguably one of the most difficult roles in the world. you stay respected. >> you see the queen getting into the landau carriage. let's watch a bit this because this is a piece of history. >> you can see the queen because her husband is not well, she is being joined, a bed of last-minute change this morning. she is joined by her son, prince charles and his wife and it will no longer be three carriage is, that to . the first carriage year and the second carriage will be prince harry, william and kathryn. they will begin this recession which will take them past triple or square, essentially where the massive crowd is that will be opened up and they will be able to walk along. before they do, she under the arch and up here to buckingham palace. next, london celebrates the diamond jubilee of her majesty the queen. i will have the highlights of the day the british have been waiting 60 years to see. recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. ♪... ♪... ♪... choose the perfect hotel without bidding. morning, boys. so, i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? 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[ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. you're watching live pictures of the queen on her diamond jubilee from parliament square in london, just past the prime minister's residence, number 10 downing street. and she's in the open carriage. the weather has held on just long enough for her majesty. a spectacular sight. david frost, in all your years of watching the royals, there's something very magical about this weekend. >> yes, it and it's something to do with this age factor, there's this love for the queen and this feeling that they may not quite be a weekend like this ever again. with this family. >> what is the magic of the queen? why is she so revered and not just in this country but around the world? >> i think she represents something that is constant in a changing world. >> stability. >> i think it is that. and we know her values are extraordinary. when she gave that speech at the united nations two or three years ago, i had the great fortune to have sat next to her when she was talking about what was going on with the speech at a lunch. and everything was from here, from the heart. not what an adviser was telling her to do, but what she wanted to say about religious tolerance. >> but what in the world is that light sitting next to that light? i've never, ever seen it. >> not quite as nerve-racking when we did the private birthday party this year when we were performing the new song. she heard it before. she came down to our house and we played it. >> this is great. this is the queen now arriving. and the crowds are huge down there. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ "god save the queen" playing ] [ cannon fire salute ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> we're on. we're caught. we're caught getting our own videos here. >> the queen is coming behind us into the palace. you can hear the roar. >> the cavalry has entered the main great. >> you can see the stage set up from last night. >> her majesty, the queen of england. >> not too far behind them, the carriage with william, catherine. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> and now she's home. >> did you see the flag up there? that's the royal standard, which only flies in all its splendor when the queen is in residence, as she now is. it's a flag that goes up when the queen is at her home. magnificent sight. >> almost medieval. and it's wonderful how the wind is catching it and showing it in its full glory. it doesn't happen very often. a flag like that will only fly on major occasions, which this is. >> and even for you guys, who have been knighted and bestowed great honor, to watch that, it's quite something. >> absolutely great. >> it was extraordinary. we do it best. >> i have to say, richard, she's 86 years young. she had a rock concert at her home last night and she looks pretty good, unlike queen victoria who needed help out of her carriage when she was celebrating her diamond jubilee in 1897. >> here we have -- here we have the queen getting out of the carriage, 86 years old and let's just watch. >> presentation from the household. and the other carriage now arriving, as well. this is the last we will see of the queen before she appears on the balcony about an hour or so before the fly past of the senior members of the royal family now going inside. the duke and duchess of cambridge, prince harry, all the immediate members of the family directly in line and they will be the ones on the balcony with her majesty. >> we have much more of the queen's diamond jubilee, coming up. i get here? dumb luck? or good decisions? ones i've made. ones we've all made. about marriage. children. money. about tomorrow. here's to good decisions. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... 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>> because her husband isn't here. >> there might be other kissing on the balcony. there's always kissing on the royal balcony. >> i want to welcome in phillip of gregory. welcome back. we also have india hicks and katie nickel. my question to you, katie, just the significance of who we will be seeing out on that balcony. it's the closest of the royals, yes? >> it should be the duke of edinboro, who is not here, the duke and duchess of cambridge, prince harry. you have a lot of members of the royal family up there usually, but there is a slimmed down appearance because it's all about the line of succession and the queen is sending a very clear message sending her two heirs out there. >> india, you were one of princess diana's bridesmaids. what is it like standing on that balcony? >> what are you all doing when you're standing behind they will be beginning to open the glass doors and the rock stars as you say will be getting their way to the front. everybody just knows who's going to be out there. there'll be a push of the elbow. i must say, standing on the balcony and looking down on thousands upon thousands of upturned faces is extraordinary. it's very unusual to see peaceful crowds. so many times we see football holligans or crowds protesting. how often do we see thousands upon thousands of crowds excited? >> you and i had a disagreement about the merits of queen elizabeth in the standing of great monarchs. i believe she may be the greatest. i think after diana's death there was the possibility the monarchy could have come to an end. now you see these scenes and they bought themselves at least a couple more generations i imagine. more importantly the queen as a role model to the british people, talk about that. >> again, i was thinking about our disagreement as well. if it hadn't been so wet and cold, i might have been more generous and less republican. but i have to say to you, i think she's a fine, fine woman. >> i believe the monarchy is stronger today than it was ten years ago. i see a real resurgence in this country. and that is tangible. >> i agree with you. i think what we see today and last year with the wedding was a real return and interest in them as a family. and some people that one could really admire and enjoy watching. i still think the danger they are in is that they are part of celebrity culture. i think the moment something goes wrong or somebody does something wrong, we'll see the fickleness of public taste. >> katie nichol we've worked over the last 20 years or so. i think the temperature has changed. the relationship is much less confrontational. >> look who was in the carriage with the queen today. >> camilla parker bowles. >> if you want to see how things change, look at the carriage. >> this day camilla would be there, people would have thought -- >> they've had to change. they've had to modernize. i've seen the risk of the duke and duchess being stars as when they came to l.a. the monarchy needs to embrace the new age. >> and later the big moment the queen and her family on the balcony on buckingham palace. 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[ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. welcome back to london. there it is the empty balcony. the world's most famous empty balcony. any moment it will fill with the most famous people on the planet. we're joined by author of the book. you've covered this family for a long time. probably as long as i have. what do you think of all this? >> i think it's just a great endorsement for the royal family, isn't it? >> i feel like they've been energized these last four days to a new level again. let's talk about the historical context of this. people who made a false sujs that the queen may one day may rush through william and this kind of thing. that's not going to happen, is it? >> totally. the reigning monarch must die for the next to inherit. you simply cannot go leapfrogging a character you think is not going to be as popular as the next one. once you start doing that, why stick with the house of windsor? and if you don't stick with the house of windsor you're into elections and then the great thing about the monarchy is it is a unifying factor in the country. the minute you have politicians or elections, half the country wants the person that's on the throne and the other half doesn't. so there's always discord. >> penny, on that historical point, it's very important i think we don't allow the monarchy to get politicized. >> i think it will be unacceptable. but the monarchy has power. it has soft power. it has moral leadership. i think that is what is -- you know, william and harry the pair of them are fantastic leaders. >> my brother-in-law actually was one of the colonels in charge of training them at the military academy. so my sister used to have the welcome the royals. what was fascinating was he said about both the boys they were great soldiers and they never wanted to be treated any differently than any of the others. they never asked for favors and never got favors. and that again is a great tribute to the royal family. managed to stay so relatively normal. >> actually, probably as much as anybody else, prince charles and the duchess of cornwall. most boys would be carrying by the death of their memory. they have fond memories of their childhood but have managed to come through that. >> charles again, after diana dies those boys from their teenager years, it must have been horrible. i think we have movement. we have movement. >> they're coming out. the doors will open. >> i've seen a twitching hand by the curtains. >> bursting at the seams with your british pride. >> i hope i'm seeing a twitching hand. otherwise we're staring at a empty boll cony. >> what do you think they've been doing these last minutes? >> they've been watching cnn. that's what they're doing. breaking live coverage around the world. i can definitely see something going on there. >> my mother who spent a great deal of time with the queen and is very close to her always says to know her is to admire her above all else. and i think that that today -- >> i don't think the queen wants everyone to love her. she wants her to admire her and respect her and respect the monarchy. >> i think it's the office. >> listen to this crowd. >> the door's open. >> something is going. there's the queen. the queen is coming out on the balcony. this is a great moment. >> look at her. alone at first. wow. >> coming up from buckingham palace, the flyover. down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. 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[ chanting ] >> buckingham palace for the royal air force. ♪ [ chanting ] >> fantastic scenes as her majesty the queen salutes her million subjects outside the balcony. what did you think, it. reaction to what we just saw? >> immense pride to be sitting so close. emotional. imagine how she feels, how many times she has been on the balcony and she must be missing her mother and her sister. morceau prince philip right now who we hope this warm and cozy in hospital watching it on television. >> she looked really moved to me. she looked to me like she just took a moment because she was slightly overwhelmed by the whole thing. i haven't seen that before. coming up, queen elizabeth marks 60 years on the throne and the nation celebrates. your majesty, on the historic occasion of your diamond jubilee, michelle and i send you and all the members of the commonwealth the heart felt congratulations of the american people. in war and in peace, in times of plenty and in times of hardship, the united states and the united kingdom have shared a special relationship. we stood tall and strong. and together, we face some of the greatest challenges this world has known. while many presidents and prime ministers have come and gone, your majesty's reign has endured. ♪ lookin' good, flo! feelin' good! feelin' real good! [ engine revs ] boat protection people love. now, that's progressive. call or click today. we want to take this opportunity to offer our special thanks and appreciation to all those who have hand a hand in organizing these jubilee celebrations. it has been a massive challenge and i am sure that everyone has enjoyed the specifications realizes how much work has been involved. i hope that memories of all this year's happy offense will brighten our lives for many years to come. i will continue to treasure and draw inspiration from the countless kindnesses shown to me in this country and throughout the commonwealth. think you will. >> welcome back to buckingham palace. a piece of history. celebrating the diamond jubilee and a great finale of the balcony scene with a streamlined collection of the very greatest of the royals' right now. really moving touching scene in the public behind us still here, a bit of rain but not much, the queen looked touched. prince philip is feeling much better, he says, and has been watching the celebrations on television. almost certainly cnn. the second thing i have for you is that president obama has made a statement saying the queen has said a sample of result that along to celebrate. that is set for us from london. thanks for joining. a big interview with the former secretary of defense, wednesday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern. now from buckingham palace, good night. i'm john king in for anderson cooper. let's go with the breaking news tonight. cnn now projecting scott walker the republican governor of wisconsin will withstand a recall challenge from tom barrett. the republican winning in a hotly contested nationally watched recall election. the big issue at the beginning, governor walker's efforts to curtain the rights of public employees union. in the middle of a gig budget crisis. tens of millions of dollars spent on the recall election. about 27% of the vote in, governor walker leading by 60% to 40%. our exit poll shows the race to be closer than that. let's take a break to the magic wall to show why we're predicting why walker will keep his job as governor of wisconsin. number one, it's obvious. red is republican.