at once. >> what happened? here's the fascinating thing about you. you had good parents who were very supportive. >> yes. >> all in your earlier life, you're an entrepreneur. you're buzzing around. selling paper, selling ice creams. you're on the beach. you're doing stuff. you're selling meat and stuff. it's all going great. and you're doing it all legitimately. and you come from good family and good background. there's nothing there that suggests criminality. >> right. >> what happened to jordan belfort? why did you become this arch criminal? >> well, i think that what happened was when you get into this section of wall street, there's a lot of rationalizing what you're doing. and i rationalized each of my actions one step at a time. and then one rationalization allows you to cross a line. and then you pull back doing things right again but your line of morality is moved. the next time you cross it it's a bit further and a bit further. how did gfc happen, all these people that went to ivy league schools in the biggest firms and rating agencies, how could people who have degrees in