home, but it's a global phenomenon. >> before we get too deep into the weeds, is your mom running for president? >> you'll have to ask her that. >> huh? >> you'll have to ask her that. so we won't take it personally if you have to race out the back. >> and, america, i can't think of anybody better named to ask about america. you're a young american woman as chelsea said. a lot of young american women taking charge and many thing that's quite right. what are the key issues facing young women in america right now? >> i have to agree with chelsea. i think young people are doing extraordinary things. there's a misconception that they're disengaged. i'm sure what chelsea sees and peggy sees globally is that young people are passionate and ready and primed and every single one of them capable of caring and taking care of action. i do a lot with voting of latinos. and we're a growing demographic. the average latino american is 26 years old. we're young, passionate, and fired up. what we need are tools and no-how, and think that will